Soviet Air Force

Soviet Air Force

Soviet Air Force

The Soviet Military is the federal armed forces of the Soviet Union and the Baltics. It consists of the Soviet Army, Soviet Navy, Soviet Air Force, Soviet Border Defence, and Civilian Defence. While the leader of the military in most operations is the High General, decisions can also be made by the Premier and Supreme Soviet.


Command over the armed forces is controlled in most situation by the High General but the Premier and Supreme Soviet Rank supreme and can veto any decision made by the High General.

Civilian Centred agencies of the Military

The Civilian Agencies of the military can be full divisions of the military or agencies in the divisions.

The Soviet Border Defence defends borders of the Union and allies that ask for it's support

Soviet Weapons Research Agency develops weapons for the military


  • Established: 2049

  • HQ: Neo-Moskaugrad

  • High General: Slava Vinogradov

  • Divisions: Soviet Army, Soviet Air Force, Soviet Navy, Soviet Border Defence, Civilian Defence


Active Personel: 1,200,000

Reserves: 3,600,000

Current Operations

  • Hellenic Civil War (Ceasefire)

  • Persian War of Liberation

  • Stabilising Lake Victoria