Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a cost to join?
Yes, membership dues are $150 for a session.Why are there membership dues?
Membership dues pay for rehearsal space, small stipends for the our highly talented Chorus Director and Pianist, along with professional services such as tax and accounting required for a non profit.
We are a non-profit group, and rely upon volunteers to serve on our board, and to keep the group going!How often do you practice?
We practice every Monday from 7:00 pm to 9:45 pm.
- During our Spring Session, we practice late January thru May.
- During our Fall Session, we practice late August thru December.
Where are your practices held?
We currently are renting rehearsal space at Temecula Methodist Church.
Are you a religious choir?
While we are renting rehearsal space from a local church, we have no actual affiliation with them, and are not a religious choir. Our increased choir size simply outgrew the rehearsal room at the Old Town Temecula Community Theater's rehearsal space. The church had space and availability for us to rehearse there, plus really great acoustics!To join, do I need to be able to sight read music?
No, but it's always a plus! Our Director will help us learn as we go.To join, do I have to have choral experience?
No... you just need to have the ability to carry a tune, a love a music, and a desire to learn and be a part of a choral ensemble!