9 December

The Power of Culture, Nature and Community-led Development in response to the Climate Emergency

Event time: 11:00- 13:00

Host: Global Ecovillage Network

Event type: presentation (open event)

Join us to learn how 6000 communities linked to the Global Ecovillage Network are helping to scale up ambition and achieve the Paris agreement, preserve natural and cultural heritage, protect the rights of nature, restore degraded ecosystems, sequester carbon, and lead to healthier thriving communities.

The list of speakers includes: Kosha Joubert (Executive Director, Global Ecovillage Network - GEN, Scotland); Albert Bates, (Co-founder of the Global Ecovillage Network, author of "The Biochar Solution: Carbon Farming and Climate Change" and “BURN: Using Fire to Cool the Earth", Jennifer Trujillo (GEN President, CASA Colombia), Kenza Isnasni, (GEN Africa, Morocco) and Thalea Thane, (GENOA, New Zealand)

The South African Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory System (SAGERS)

Event time: 14:30-16:00

Host: The South African National Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF)

Event type: presentation (open event)

South Africa’s climate change response MRV systems seek to integrate the analysis of all aspects of climate change MRV and, also incorporates a national system for the compilation on of GHG inventories; making the climate change response M&E system the national central depository and portal for climate change information in South Africa.

This session will provide an overview of the South African Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory System (SAGERS) and the range of legal instruments, regulations, tools and processes supporting the implementation of the national climate MRV systems.

South Africa Pavilion Launch

Event Time: 18:00- 21:00

Host: The National Business Initiative (NBI) and the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF)

Event type: cocktail party

Join us as we launch the South African Pavilion at COP25 - a central space for delegates and international guests to gather, network and share insight and ideas for how to manage the complexity of managing a transition to a low carbon climate resilient future.