curl-loader (also known as "omes-nik" and "davilka") is an open-source tool written in C-language, simulating application load and application behavior of thousands and tens of thousand HTTP/HTTPS and FTP/FTPS clients, each with its own source IP-address. In contrast to other tools curl-loader is using real C-written client protocol stacks, namely, HTTP and FTP stacks of libcurl andTLS/SSL of openssl,and simulates user behavior with support for login and authentication flavors.

- Virtual clients number. The tool runs, depending on your HW and scenario,2500-100 000 and more simultaneously loading clients, all from a single curl-loader process.Actual number of clients may be several times higher, and it is limited mainly by memory. Each client loads from its "personal" source IP-address, from the "common" IP-address shared byall clients, or from the IP-addresses shared by some clients, where a limited set of sharedIP-addresses can be used by a batch of clients.

Sourceforge Download Curl


Please, use the link to the mailing list provided in Support section to contact us and to get support for the tool. Subscribe to the curl-loader-devel list and mail your filled PROBLEM-REPORTING form located in the curl-loader tarball to the list. Your suggestions, ideas and patches would be very much appreciated.

To simulate HTTP/S load of thousands of clients against authentication gateway for testing of the gateway performance in various scenarios. curl-loader supplied HTTP/S client load against Apache web-server with the gateway in the middle, where the gateway made a browser hijacking and HTTP- redirection of the curl-clients to the HTTPS url at the gateway's own web-server. HTTPS page of the web-server provided a POST form to the user with username and password for the client/user authentication against an external AAA (RADIUS) server. If the authentication was OK, user (a libcurl virtual client object) was allowed to enter the Internet and to perform some sort of simulated by curl-loader network activity, namely, fetching urls and sleeping in between them. After enjoying Internet, user was coming to logoff.

To generate Gbps traffic from thousands of TCP/HTTP clients and to test the impact of thousands of firewalling and NAT iptables/ipset rules and hundreds of the rules being added/deleted each second at performance of a gateway device. curl-loader provided client load against Apache web-server fetching a url with a gigabyte file, thus, creating a permanent heavy-load traffic, containing thousands of tcp-streams at the gateway in the middle.

Please post your phpinfo() output in your question. Specifically the system details (top section), core, curl, sockets, and standard section values (leave out any confidential info like database passwords/connections).

Download the latest .deb package. You will also need to installbridge-utils, curl and traceroute.$ apt-get update$ apt-get install bridge-utils curl traceroute$ dpkg -i rcp100_X.Y.Z_1.debThe package was build on Ubuntu 13.04, andit is integrated with upstart. The software will start automatically upon the next reboot. If you don't wantan automatic startup, create a /etc/init/rcp100.override file as follows:

Download the latest binary package and extract the files in /opt directory. $ cd /opt$ tar -xjvf rcp100-X.Y.Z.bin.tar.bz2You will also need to install bridge-utils, curl, lsof and traceroute:

Thanks for sharing back. That sure beats downloading only to have to turn around and uploading to server, doesn't it? ;) Since you have curl, you might also have wget. That one is straight forward ... wget URL_to_get_file.

If it helps here is the error trace (shown by launching it with LD_DEBUG=libs) I get when trying to start runescape-launcher (after I forcibly install runescape-launcher despite the missing library): It seems like the fatal error comes from libcanberra GTK+ widgets.

Short answer is - nothing; in openSUSE curl is built against mozilla_nss. If you provide alternative libcurl built against openssl, you need to update configuration to point to it (but you should understand that it will affect system wide curl) or explicitly build your package against private copy.

This of course implies you would not only have to build that static library of libcurl but also link that one statically against a version of openssl which provides the possibility of static linking itself. That would work and it is possible to do it (and I do not claim it is easy).

then I edited usr/bin/runescape-launcher to include the curl-7.53.1/lib/.lib and glew-1.10.0/lib directories in its LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. I did this in my $HOME/Programs directory and here is my final usr/bin/runescape-launcher file

Curl is commonly considered a non-interactive web browser. That means it's able to pull information from the internet and display it in your terminal or save it to a file. This is literally what web browsers, such as Firefox or Chromium, do except they render the information by default, while curl downloads and displays raw information. In reality, the curl command does much more and has the ability to transfer data to or from a server using one of many supported protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SFTP, IMAP, POP3, LDAP, SMB, SMTP, and many more. It's a useful tool for the average terminal user, a vital convenience for the sysadmin, and a quality assurance tool for microservices and cloud developers.

The same concepts apply to curl, except you do it all at once: you launch curl at the same time you feed it the internet location you want and tell it whether you want to the data to be saved in your terminal or to a file. The complexity increases when you have to interact with a site that requires authentication or with an API, but once you learn the curl command syntax, it becomes second nature. To help you get the hang of it, we collected the pertinent syntax information in a handy cheat sheet.

You can download a file with the curl command by providing a link to a specific URL. If you provide a URL that defaults to index.html, then the index page is downloaded, and the file you downloaded is displayed on your terminal screen. You can pipe the output to less or tail or any other command:

Because curl is non-interactive, it's difficult to browse a page for downloadable elements. Provided that the remote server you're connecting to allows it, you can use curl to list the contents of a directory:

If you're downloading a very large file, you might find that you have to interrupt the download. Curl is intelligent enough to determine where you left off and continue the download. That means the next time you're downloading a 4GB Linux distribution ISO and something goes wrong, you never have to go back to the start. The syntax for --continue-at is a little unusual: if you know the byte count where your download was interrupted, you can provide it; otherwise, you can use a lone dash (-) to tell curl to detect it automatically:

You can do some rudimentary web scraping to find what you want to download, too, using only curl and grep. For instance, say you need to download all images associated with a web page you're archiving. First, download the page referencing the images. Pipe the page to grep with a search for the image type you're targeting (PNG in this example). Finally, create a while loop to construct a download URL and to save the files to your computer:

These can be difficult for you to fix unless you have access to the server you're contacting, but curl generally tries its best to resolve the location you point it to. Sometimes when testing things over a network, seemingly endless retries just waste time, so you can force curl to exit upon failure quickly with the --fail-early option:

Once you practice thinking about the process of exploring the web as a single command, curl becomes a fast and efficient way to pull the information you need from the internet without bothering with a graphical interface. To help you build it into your usual workflow, we've created a curl cheat sheet with common curl uses and syntax, including an overview of using it to query an API.

curl-loader is capable of simulating application behavior of hundreds of thousands of HTTP/HTTPS and FTP/FTPS clients, each with its own source IP-address. In contrast to other tools, curl-loader is using real C-written client protocol stacks, namely, HTTP and FTP stacks of libcurl and TLS/SSL of openSSL, and simulates user behavior with support for login and authentication flavors.

The goal of curl-loader project is to deliver a powerful and flexible open-source software performance testing client-side solution as a real alternative to Spirent Avalanche and IXIA IxLoad. Curl-loader normally works in pair with nginx or Apache web server as the server-side.

My grand vision for curl isn't really scribbled down somewhere. It's remained the same for a long time: to provide a free, open tool and library for Internet data transfers, which are rock solid and provide all features necessary for current and future users.

As I think everyone who works with something creative such as software development knows, the level of motivation and enthusiasm you feel varies over time. There are times when coding on curl isn't as fun as otherwise. That's just natural, and I know these periods sometimes come. I can then just wait them out, perhaps work more on other projects, or just spend more time with my family or something, as I know I will bounce back. I always do. I have never considered stepping away!

git has been very helpful. We developed curl on CVS for many years but switching to git (which we did rather late, not until 2010) really enhanced our productivity. github taking over as the default source code hub from the previous emperor, Sourceforge, has made development easier, thanks to the fork/PR way of working and the fact that just about everybody these days now has a github account. The bar for starting to contribute to a project that is hosted on github is amazingly low. e24fc04721

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