
Yale University

Spring 2021 Residential College Math and Science Tutor (Instructor: N/A)

Fall 2021 Residential College Math and Science Tutor (Instructor: N/A)

Fall 2020 Eco 121a Intermediate Microeconomics (Instructors: Mira Frick, Soenje Reiche)

Summer 2020 Econ S116 Introductory Macroeconomics (Instructor: Marnix Amand)

Spring 2020 Econ 121b Intermediate Microeconomics (Instructor: Mira Frick)

Fall 2019 Econ 121a Intermediate Microeconomics (Instructor: Evangelina Chalioti)

Spring 2019 Econ 116b Introductory Macroeconomics (Instructor: Aleh Tsyvinsky)

Fall 2018 Econ 116a Introductory Macroeconomics (Instructor: Samuel Kortum)