
Salary History Disclosure Motivations Survey

In this survey I ask respondents about their motivations behind choosing to disclose or withhold information on salary history from prospective employers. I also collect demographic information on survey participants, especially gender. The survey was administered to 5,700 US respondents and the sample is representative of the US employed population after controlling for age, gender, and Census region.

Policy Awareness and Workplace Social Norms Survey

In this survey we ask respondents about their awareness of the German Pay Transparency Policy which was implemented in 2018. Survey participants were asked about whether they had taken any initiative in engaging with the policy and the motivations behind their decisions. The survey was implemented as part of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) Innovation Sample (IS) 2019. Therefore, we have both cross-sectional and longitudinal information on participants from the SOEP-Core.

If you are interested in the survey questionnaires and the data, please email me at