Electronic Structure Research Group

Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

Welcome to the Electronic Structure Research Group led by Dr. Soumen Ghosh at the Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. We develop, implement and apply novel quantum mechanical and classical methods to study complex chemical problems. Methods developed in our group are applied to study spectroscopy, photochemistry, noncovalent interactions and electron transfer processes in functional materials.

Opportunities to join our group 

We have several positions available in the group.

If you are interested in theoretical and computational chemistry and have CSIR/UGC-JRF or DST-INSPIRE fellowship or , please send your CV with a cover letter to chemsghosh@iitm.ac.in. 

If you have completed your PhD in theoretical and computational chemistry/physics/materials science and would like to perform postdoctoral research in our group, please get in touch with us. Good programming skill is desired for postdoctoral candidates but not a requirement. Email us with your CV and a brief letter.

If you want to do your MSc project in our group, please send an email to chemsghosh@iitm.ac.in with your CV and a brief letter.