Syntax of Uralic Languages 4

Call for papers

We invite contributions that address issues in synchronic or diachronic syntax in one or several Uralic languages. The contributions may introduce new linguistic material or present a theoretical analysis of the existing data. We welcome papers concerned with any topic in Uralic syntax, in particular:

  • the structure of nominal phrases

  • the structure of verbal phrases and predication

  • differential object marking

  • word order and its interaction with information structure

  • subordination

  • language contact and its influence on the syntactic structure of the Uralic languages

  • syntactic isoglosses in the Uralic family

  • the interface of syntax and semantics/pragmatics/prosody

  • the syntax of particles.

Anonymous abstracts should not exceed two pages (including examples, figures, and references), using 1in/2.5cm margins and a standard 12pt font. One person may submit maximally two abstracts: one as a single author or co-author, and another one as a co-author. Abstracts should be submitted to the conference e-mail address.

As in previous SOUL conferences, the language of the conference is English.

Deadline for the abstract submission: 10 February 2022.

In the body of your mail please indicate:

  • your name

  • title of the paper

  • your affiliation

  • your e-mail

  • how you are going to participate: in person or online

  • if you need an invitation (including the one for a visa)

  • if you are interested in publication of your paper.