Soulmate Definition

Love – Is Your Partner Your Soul mate?

To be in love is a divine feeling. To love and get love in return is for few lucky souls. If you are one who has found love that is great. Is your partner your soul mate? Your love will one day wither away. The days of bliss that you are enjoying will become a memory and the new realities of future may prove to be not very attractive. But if you are soul mates, you both will be able to enjoy life together for a much longer time.

Before we discuss about what is a mate and what is a soul mate, let me ask you one simple question. Do you have a passion in life- anything that you love doing and enjoy? If yes, does your love partner share that interest? What if he/she does not? Let us talk about that.

Passion is Lasting?

After sometime the physical attraction will reduce. The romantic feelings will get battered with time, but your passion for what you enjoy doing will not reduce. If your partner shares the same passion, you will enjoy doing that together, otherwise, you will look for mates with whom you can share your passion and slowly drift away from your partner.

This is not uncommon?

Look at most of the wealthy people. Their main passion is to make money and become more powerful. The process of making money thrills them.

What of their partners?

That is why you will find marriages getting broken rapidly with such groups. Before you decide on a partner, try and get one who shares your passion and who can be your soul mate in true sense. Your relationship will survive much longer.

The Path To Happiness?

Happiness is something that so many people strive for each day and yet many times it eludes them. Often, they feel that happiness can be theirs if only their situations were different. Have you ever felt like that?

So often we get caught up in what I call the “if only’s”. If only my husband were nicer to me. If only I had a better job. If only the children were grown and out of the house. The list can go on and on.

We can waste so much of our precious time dreaming of the “if only’s”. So many people fall into this trap and end up miserable most of their lives.

The problem is that they are looking for happiness to come to them somehow. As if it were something that could be possessed. When happiness does happen to come it seems so fleeting that it quickly passes away.

People erroneously think that happiness is just a feeling like some passing fancy. I am here to tell you that happiness is not a feeling, it can be a way of life. Happiness can be yours on a daily basis if you will only follow some basic principles.

First, you must live in the NOW. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised to us so you need to be present in the now.

Secondly, you must control your thinking and the thoughts that pass through your mind. Happiness can be called a state of mind and the way to happiness is bringing your mind into its proper state.

If I live in Texas and I want to be in California I need to change states. In order for me to be in that State I need to make some changes. In this analogy we will decide to take a train. The train must be going in the proper direction and we will arrive at our destination. We must know which train we are on, or we may end up where we don’t want to be.

Think of this train as your thoughts. That’s right, your train of thought. If you don’t want to stay in Texas you have to get on the right train. If you let any train of thought into your mind then you will be taken to and fro and never arrive at the destination you want.

The question then is how do we get on the right train?

The ticket to getting on the right train is called gratitude. Gratitude is an attitude and as we look to all that we have to be thankful for instead of dwelling on what our problems are we will find that we too can be whisked away to the state that we wish to be in.

There is a path to happiness and that path is gratitude.