Soulmate Law of Attraction

Your Subconscious Mind, The Matchmaker?

The best way to seek a soul mate, or a life partner, is to use the law of attraction. The best way to seek your ideal mate is not through your conscious mind, a friend, a professional matchmaker or a computer, but your own subconscious mind. Your subconscious is already aware of your character traits, and the manifestation will take into account who best fits your character, because nobody knows you best than your own subconscious.

To begin looking for the perfect life partner, make a list of the character traits you are looking for in a soul mate. Are you looking for someone who is soft-spoken, religious, a good cook, a good home-maker, love animals, or someone with a good sense of humor? Is this person you are searching for good looking, articulate, brunette, blonde, blue or brown eyes, sexy, a good conversationalist, animal lover, or love decorating? And is this person working in a bank, with the government or self-employed?

Tell your subconscious?

Tell your subconscious exactly the person you are looking for as your soul mate and meditate as you would like all your other requests to the universe. You have to be clear in your choice of a soul mate and ask the universe to find for you this person each time you meditate. Never stop asking. Then imagine being married to such a person already. If you are sleeping on a king-size bed now, sleep on one side of it and pretend your soul-mate is sleeping next to you.

Make some room in your wardrobe for your soul mates clothes. Do the same on the dressing table to make room for your soul mates stuff. Have the feeling of expectancy that your soul mate will be joining your life soon and you are making room for him or her. Your emotions play a key role in the manifestation process.

If you go out shopping, buy something for your soul mate, however small it may be, like a scarf, or a hand towel. Make belief that your soul mate is already living with you. Make all these feelings real, and then go out and socialize as you would on your normal leisure time. Each time you socialize, have this expectancy of meeting your soul mate and each time you meet a new person, size him or her up and refer to your list of criteria which you listed down in the beginning, and check next to those criteria if this person meets your desired traits.

For anyone serious in getting the ideal soul mate of their dreams, this is one strategy you cannot ignore. The manifestation process is like the universe sieving through the masses of people to bring to you your ideal choice. As the likely candidates appear before you one after another, you have to make the choice of acceptance. As the subconscious cannot speak directly to you, you have to rely on instincts or six sense, because that is the subconscious way of communicating with you. But it doesnt mean that if you reject, the flow of candidates will stop. It wont. The candidates will continue to appear before you until you make a conscious decision of selecting your ideal choice.

Communicating to the Subconscious Mind

An embedded command is a technique used to communicate to the conscious mind while also sending a message to the subconscious mind. The idea is to actually bypass the conscious mind and communicate directly to the subconscious mind. Embedded commands are commonly used in marketing and advertising. Embedded commands are hidden suggestions within written or spoken language. The conscious mind is unaware of their existence.

Embedded commands create expectations without creating inner resistance. For example, Pepsi used to have the slogan “Have a Pepsi Day.” The embedded command was “Have a Pepsi.”

The most effective embedded commands are short and concise; they should be no longer than two to four words. It is much easier to use these commands in persuasive writing because you can visually highlight the command. When using this technique, first determine what exactly you are trying to say to your audience. Then, create the sentences where the embedded words and phrase will logically and contextually fit. Finally, set the embedded commands apart in some visual way: italicize, bold, underline, highlight, or use a different color.

Embedded commands are also a powerful tool in speaking. Certain phrases have specific command forms that follow the “two to four words” rule. Phrases can include word associations, cause and effect statements, presuppositions, questions, hidden suggestions, or analogies. Essentially, we are looking for phrases that jump out at us. Consider the following examples:

*Buy now

*Going to happen

*Follow my lead

*Act now

Studies show that embedded commands can actually change our attitudes or beliefs, even if we are totally unaware that this has happened. It is in this way that the embedded commands are effective: The conscious mind has no opportunity to analyze or evaluate the material. We then can create expectations of behavioral changes with embedded commands as well as with and direct and indirect suggestions. The subconscious mind will create an internal reality to match the commands.

Power of the Subconscious Mind

The power of the subconscious mind is undebatable. You may live as if youre in control of your life. But youre not. Your life is run by the power of the subconscious mind.

The power of your subconscious mind can be helpful. Or it can be harmful.

Unfortunately, for most people, the subconscious is more harmful than helpful.

The subconscious mind is responsible for most of the habits and behaviors you wish you didnt have. Its the reason for addictions and destructive patterns in your life.

But the power of the subconscious mind and its ability to ingrain habits can be used for good instead of bad (think of it like the Good Witch vs. the Wicked Witch).


Instead of allowing your previous habits run your life, you deliberately repeating behaviors that work to your benefit and create new habits. In other words, you give your subconscious mind a new program to run, one that helps you instead of hurts you.

Two such sets of behaviors will turn your subconscious mind into a mind magic wand you can use to create whatever you would like in your life. Here are the two sets of behaviors you must ingrain in your mind.

1. Monitor your thoughts. As much as possible, be aware of the vibrational quality of your thoughts. Are you thinking in wants or dont wants?

You can do this in either of two ways:

–When you hear yourself having a what if thought, mentally yell STOP and then detail what you expect to get to have.

–Whenever you hear yourself saying or thinking, I cant, change it to I can or I choose.

2. Shift any negativity you notice. Youre bound to feel negativity. When you feel it, know that it means youre creating something you dont want.

Your feelings are your creational barometer. They let you know if your thoughts are creating good things or bad things.

Feel good, youre creating good. Feel bad, youre creating bad. Its very simple.

So when you feel bad, use these techniques:

–When you get upset, stop and breathe. Do 10 deep breaths (or some other type of deep breathing) and while you breathe, pay attention to your energy flow.

–When something happens that you dont like, instead of swearing or complaining, say, Hmm. This creates an attitude of interest instead of an attitude of anger or annoyance, which is negative energy.

–When you find yourself visiting a past negative event in your thoughts, mentally slam a door on the past event. Put a powerful thought (i.e., energy) barrier between you and that past.

–When you need a pick-me-up, play the Wont it be lovely when game. Say to yourself, Wont it be lovely when ____________ and fill in the blank with something you want to have happen.

Repeat these two sets of behaviors over and over and over. The more you repeat them, the deeper youll imprint the behaviors. It wont take long before youve created a neuropathway that will make doing the behaviors simple.

Its that neuropathway that contains your power the power of the subconscious mind.