Soul Eater Manga series is set in the Death Weapon Meister Academy in the fictional city called the Death City, located in Nevada, United States. Death Weapon Meister Academy or "DWMA" is led by Shinigami (personification of Death) is dedicated to training humans with special abilities to transform into weapons and to wield the weapons, known as meisters. The goal of the faculty and the students is to hunt down the 99 evil humans and one witch soul, to create the death scythe. With its gothic elements and unique plot, Soul Eater manga has sold over 19.6 million copies as of 2019 and has been adapted into video games, anime series, and drama CD. Find all volumes of Soul Eater manga in English in paperback and eBook at Barnes & Noble.

The Soul Eater Encyclopedia is a collaborative encyclopedia about the Soul Eater anime and manga series created by Atsushi kubo. We are currently editing over 1,729 articles, and 7,919 files since July 10, 2008.

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Forced to be sealed away by his own master, the group disbanded. The Grim Reaper then founded Death Weapon Meister Academy (also by the acronym "DWMA") to act in it's place. Students within the school, enrolled as either meisters (users of demon weapons) or demon weapons (humans who can transform into weapons), are educated and supervised at a young age to prevent the uprising of another kishin while upholding the responsibility of fighting against the forces of evil and the collection of souls of the deceased.

Those of the N.O.T Class (Normally Overcome Targets) aspire to learn to control their weapons powers and/or seek opportunities made available through the school's trusted reputation around the world. However, those of the E.A.T Class (Especially Advantaged Talent) instead used their powers to fight evil while many aspire to create a death scythe, a powerful weapon made by collecting 99 evil human souls and one witch's soul.

Hey I just wanted to hear some opinions on both, I know the anime ends up doing a FMA 2003 style split from the manga and was wondering if its worth watching that or if I should just read the manga instead. My issue is that I can readily watch Soul Eater's anime but the manga I feel I would be better off just buying a volume at a time like I do with other series because reading online scans for hours is rough on my eyes. So I guess I just want to hear some opinions from people who've watched both, I'm only on ep. 3 of the anime but I don't want to get too involved if it ends weird or goes a significant different direction than the manga (although I did enjoy 2003 FMA, and I also really enjoy the sakuga moments I've seen from the Soul Eater anime). Please no spoilers and thanks if you have a decent view to contribute

What happens with Mifune and the Witch Angela? If the DWMA can forgive Crona who murdered thousands of humans and ate their souls then betrayed the DWMA allowing their best Meister to be taken by Medusa surely they can allow Witch Angela to live in Death city and protect her so Mifune can be a teacher.

Overall, Soul Eater is a terrific manga and a good place for someone to start if they want to read manga and get a taste of what the genre entails. However, this particular manga series is something that would be better suited for teenagers rather than children. This is due not only to the darker themes in the manga, but also some disturbing imagery that is often shown throughout the series. The disturbing imagery can be an over exaggerated reaction by a character, or blood and gore from a fight scene. However, teenagers and adults appear to be the target audience of Soul Eater due to those dark themes and disturbing imagery. The writing, characters, and themes in this manga make Soul Eater an entertaining and interesting read. 

The only reason that "Night" is mentioned in this is because my teacher wanted us to reference one of the books we read in class in this review. Also, the "negative" of this manga isn't exactly a terrible dealbreaker, but it was something I had to put in as my teacher wanted something negative about the source in our review. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed my essay of Soul Eater. 

This is the biggest difference between the Soul Eater anime and manga, as it has some of the most profound effects on the ways in which both iterations of the series progress. In the manga, the conditions required for a Demon Weapon to evolve into a Death Scythe are that they must consume 99 evil human souls and the soul of a single witch. The only beings capable of doing so are the Demon Weapons, while in the anime, various other characters display the ability to consume souls. The 99 souls that Demon Weapons must consume appear on a list of targets laid out by Death himself, and this constitutes a regulation of who may or may not be hunted by Demon Weapons and their Meisters.

In the anime; however, this set of requirements is replaced with the Kishin Egg concept, where a Demon Weapon is required to consume 99 Kishin Eggs and the soul of one witch. In the anime, the Weapons and their Meisters track down Kishin Eggs using a techinque known as Soul Perception. Kishin Eggs are the corrupt souls of heinous criminals whose evil acts have begun to transform them into a Kishin, a threat powerful enough to bring about global destruction. In the Soul Eater manga, Kishin are borne from a Demon Weapon's over-consumption of pure souls, and the Kishin Egg concept simply does not exist.

Due to the rule stipulating that Meisters cannot hunt down anyone who is not on Death's list in the manga, it features a much deeper origin and development of the Kishin concept than what is offered by the anime. For one, the threat of the Kishin is well understood by Death himself having defeated the individual who became the very first one in the series: Asura.

800 years prior to the events of the series, an individual engaged in a battle he thought he would lose committed the greatest taboo that could be committed by a Meister when he killed to gain power to overcome his fear of dying in the battle. He continued to secretly feed his Demon Weapon companion the souls of good people, eventually coming to be known as the first generation Kishin.

Asura was defeated by Death, who skinned him and sealed his body and soul in a sack made from his own skin; however, in order to fully contain the Kishin and the sheer amount of Madness he emitted, Death had to use his soul to seal Asura away. This limited Death's movement, and prompted his eventual establishment of Death City and the Death Weapon Meister Academy on that spot.

The whole reason why Death creates DWMA is to train young Meisters and Weapons and reinforce the number one rule that they only hunt the evil souls that Death himself has listed in order to prevent the birth of another Kishin. As such, the anime removes the point of Death doing any of those actions via the Kishin Egg concept, since Kishin Eggs are in effect the larval stage of Kishin in the anime.

He also does not have a second battle with Asura in the anime. Since Kid never becomes the Shinigami in the anime, he never gets to a point where he has the authority to make the huge decisions that he does at the end of the manga; such as forming a truce between the DWMA, as well as vowing never to make another Demon Weapon.

Mifune, also known as the God of the Sword, is the mysterious samurai who protects the little witch Angela Leon, but is soon manipulated by Arachne into helping her cause. In the anime, he is the killer of Black Star's father, White Star; however, in the manga, the assassin was dispatched by the forces of the DWMA. In the climactic battle against the Arachnophobia organization, the anime and manga go in two different directions regarding the fate of Mifune. In the manga, Mifune is killed by Black Star, who subsequently abandons his assassin upbringing in favour of the way of the warrior, and Angela Leon is taken in by the academy. However, in the anime, Mifune is defeated but spared by Black Star, and is later allowed to become a teacher at DWMA. The anime Black Star also does not follow in Mifune's footsteps, but embarks on his own path which leads to his weapon, Tsubaki, gaining the ability to transform into the Red Uncanny Sword.

Crona is the unfortunate offspring of the Gorgon Medusa and the only weapon meister to the demon sword known as Ragnark. Having been combined with their weapon partner by their mother, who aims to turn Crona into a Kishin. In the manga, Crona remains an antagonist in the series for much longer than they do in the Soul Eater anime. In the anime, Crona turns on Medusa but sustains serious injuries, and as such, the anime version of Crona does not kill their mother.

In the anime, Medusa's death comes as a result of Maka's use of the Demon Hunt technique. In the manga, Crona sacrifices themself to help Maka seal Asura away on the moon, but in the anime, it's implied that Crona lives on as a student at DWMA.

As with many long-running mangas, Soul Eater's anime wasn't completely faithful to its source material. For the most part, it starts that way, but by the mid-way point, the anime has become its own entity. Unlike most series, it's not even due to them catching up to the manga too rapidly. There were still plenty of arcs to animate.

The anime was ending, so they needed to rush to a final battle with Asura. It's part of why so many fans would like them to give the series a new anime that was more faithful to the manga, much like Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood was.

The Kishin Egg is a concept that was created just for the anime. A concept that expounded on the fact that members of the Death Weapon Meisters Academy needed to hunt 99 evil souls to achieve Death Scythe status. The eggs are the first stage needed to become a Kishin, hinting that millions of them are running around if not for the DWMA. The issue with that is it undercuts some of the allure of Asura being the first Kishin and the lengths that Death went to avoid another. 17dc91bb1f

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