NOTE: If you choose a different blade, you'll see that blade's current DEF and all the other blades will appear to have that same DEF too. Example: Choose the Iron Blade and now everyone will seem to have the Iron Blade DEF

Entrusted to Pit, this blade is just one of a new breed of armaments that combine close-quarters combat with ranged proficiency. The First Blade is well balanced in usability and strength, making it the perfect beginner's weapon.

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While the Burst Blade has lower attack power and has the shortest range of any blade, it also fires multiple bullets at once, giving it a wide attack. Its ranged attacks have a strong potential of nullifying incoming fire.

A blade said to have been forged from the scales of a thousand venomous serpents. It's one of the few weapons that inflicts poison damage. Users of this blade should soothe its dark, nightly rattlings.

Once the heirloom of a royal house, this blade has since been worn by time and neglect. It's most powerful shots are those used during a backward dash, making the royal blade perfect for a hit-and-run strategy.

Despite its lightness, the extreme heat this glow-in-the-dark blade generates has the ability to cut even through steel. It also has the longest range of any blade and has charged shots that grow in power slightly at long distances.

The Samurai Blade is a powerful copy of a legendary sword whose curved blade was devastating in close combat. While this blade improves quickness, it has weaker ranged shots and takes time to charge.

A powerful blade that can be obtained after defeating Dark Lord Gaol. It is forged from the same cursed material as Dark Lord Gaol's armor. While it has the most powerful ranged attacks of any blade and its charged shot has a strong homing ability, these attacks move slowly. Unlocked after clearing Chapter 2. 17dc91bb1f

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