Integrating class content to my Internship

  1. Describe how you’ve integrated in-class content to your internship. During my internship I have used teamwork just about everyday. One of the main skills of being a health administrator is learning how to work as a team. One of the first projects I had was the Ready, Set, Learn program. This program was designed to raise money and donate uniforms to seven schools with each school receiving 100 uniforms for students in need. I worked closely with my Amanda who has been my supervisor during my internship. I also worked with Jamesetta who is also an IUPUI student in the same academic field; she has also been through the Sophomore Internship Program and was hired by Lutheran Child and Family Services after her internship. Jamesetta and I worked together to get the uniforms to all of the schools. She organized where the uniforms would go and I sorted the uniforms and delivered them. This was one of the simpler things I have done thus far, but it has been one of the most rewarding. I spend most of my time at The Sharing Place food pantry where I have practiced teamwork every time I am there. There are many tasks that must be completed each day and there is no way it could get done with just one person. The Sharing Place is only possible with the great volunteers.

  2. Examine your experience. On days of operation we must tend to the clients that come to receive food, pack the boxes with food to give out, and put away food that is being donated. Whether we are well staffed, or we are low on volunteers there must always be a good flow and communication. The first few weeks of working at The Sharing Place there was technology failure with the client intake tablets. The wifi would not reach out to the drive-thru so we had to take the clients information on paper and input the information manually at a later time. That experience has prepared me to always have a second option and not always rely on technology or your best plan. At The Sharing Place I have seen and practiced teamwork greatly and experienced failure, but in the end it is preparing me for my future career.

  3. Articulate learning. In the last month Jamesetta and I have been working together to get the holiday charity events organized and sending emails. Throughout this time I have learned how to send emails to a large number of individuals and how to set up a form with skip logic to get client contact info. This information was then sent out to social workers to have their information for our record and to know how much need each family had. I have never worked on anything that required me to send out important forms to people or have a mass email sent out. It is much different than an email sent to one person because it is not as direct. I know in my future career I will have to send out large emails to my employees and I now know that there are ways to make your emails look more appealing. I have also been exposed to lots of different and free websites to make your content more appealing and make answering questions easier. Getting familiarized with different content and databases has helped me prepare for the future. Not every company will have the same databases and I have to be able to adjust and learn.