Our Vision

Support Our Teachers envisions a community where education is cherished and empowered, where teachers are celebrated as mentors and valued as the architects of our future. We are committed to promoting the career field of education, nurturing the growth of educators, and fostering a deep appreciation for their invaluable contributions to society.  While today's focus is on math teachers in District 196, the eventual goal is to create a model that can be extended to all teachers in the district and create a framework that can be adopted by other districts or foundations across Minnesota.

In pursuit of our vision, we aspire to provide teachers with the necessary resources, tools, and professional development opportunities they need to excel in their roles, feel appreciated, and continue to impact students' lives.  We seek to offer scholarships that enable aspiring educators to embark on this noble journey, recognizing the passion and potential in every teacher.

Our vision extends to students, as we believe they are the heart of the educational process. We are dedicated to recognizing and rewarding their achievements, nurturing their thirst for knowledge, and providing access to supportive tutoring programs that empower them to succeed academically.

At Support Our Teachers, our vision is a harmonious educational ecosystem, where teachers inspire, students thrive, and communities and alumni unite to advance the cause of learning.