Current Interests


2/17/2021 It's been two years since I hung up the stethoscope, and a few days ago, I restacked a pile of neglected medical journals...again. It made me realize that the thing I miss most about medicine is the constant learning, acquiring knowledge. I was particularly in enamored with picking up information that gave me an edge in diagnosis. At first, this made me feel a little sad, but then I realized that I'm still gathering and storing mental value. I know more about guarding ball screens than the average person. When the season ends, I may apply some energy to picking up Spanish and maybe even learning to play the piano.--??? What are your learning? Let me know.


1/19/2021 Every year about this time I start going through a little emotional turmoil. I love that my Indiana Hoosiers were the last team to go undefeated and win a national championship. I start looking at schedules to see when the remaining teams unblemished in the current season can be beaten. This year is particularly difficult because after I met Mark Few several years ago I have become a big fan of his Gonzaga Bulldogs. His team currently stands at 14-0. I am extremely psyched that they have a legitimate chance to cut down the nets on April the 4th in Indianapolis. I'm just not sure I want them to do it without enduring a single loss all season. Am I being ridiculously selfish, unrealistic, or crazy? Let me know.