Sorak symposium reminiscence

on Particle Physics

11 Aug - 16 Aug 2019


Mt. Sorak symposium had worked as the first school/symposium of theoretical physics in Korea from 1982 until mid 1990's. Being reminiscent of its prominent role in the past, a meeting will be reopened this year at NakSan Beach Hotel during Aug. 11-16, 2019. We will talk about the progress of theoretical physics in the meantime while promoting collaborations among Korean researchers. Four invited speakers will give morning lectures. In the evening, participants can give a talk of their own interest upon request.

Invited speakers

Stuart Raby (Ohio State U)

Hans Peter Nilles (Bonn U)

Howard E. Haber (UC Santa Cruz)

Probir Roy (CAPSS Kolkata)

Organizing committee

Jinh E. Kim (Kyunghee U) chair

Kiwoon Choi (CTPU, IBS)

Eung Jin Chun (KIAS)

Bumseok Kyae (PNU)

Sang Hui Im (PNU)

Cohosted by

Kyunghee U

IBS-CTPU (Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe)

KIAS (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

Pusan National U (Institute for research & industry cooperation)

Past symposia

1st: Mt. Sorak, 2-7 August 1982, "Symmetries and their Breaking in Physics''

2nd: Kangreung College, 18-23 July 1983, "Monopoles, Solitons and Nonlinear Phenomena''

3rd: Mt. Sorak, 30 July - 3 August, 1984, "Supersymmetry''

4th: Mt. Sorak, 13-16, Sheraton Walker Hill, 24 August 1985, "Selected Topics in Particle Physics''

5th: Daewoo Foundation Building, Seoul, 7-11 July 1986, "Selected Topics in Theoretical Physics"

6th: Naksansa, 2-7 July 1987, "Selected Topics in Particle Physics and Cosmology''

7th: Mt. Sorak, 18-24 August 1988, "Selected Topics in Particle Physics Phenomenology''

8th: Mt. Sorak, 3-8 July 1989, "Selected Topics in Conformal Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics"

9th: Mt. Sorak, 20-25 August 1990, "The Standard Model and Beyond''

10th: Mt. Sorak, 1-6 July 1991, "Recent Developments in Field Theory''

11th: Mt. Sorak, 20-25 July 1992, "Neutrino Physics''

12th: Seoul National University, 19-24 July 1993, "Weak Interactions and Neutrinos'' (14th WIN)

13th: Mt. Sorak, 19-24 July 1994, "Field Theory and Mathematical Physics''

14th: Cheju Island, 21-26 July 1996, "Dynamical Symmetry Breaking and Effective Field Theory"