Beyond Science

Scientific popularization

2nd price of the jury at the Regional Final in the competition ‘Ma thèse en 180 secondes’ (My Thesis in 180 Seconds) 2019, Popular talk: “Can house sparrows be born with a silver spoon in their beaks?”,

Interview for the Departmental TV channel France 3 Poitou-Charentes during the Science Festival 2018 and for a Web TV channel during the 33th Menigoute Festival 2017.

Lab seminar organizer

Contacting speakers, for scheduling and advertising weekly lab seminars (for 2 years, volunteering).

Associative investment

Communication manager of the association “Ecology and Behavior”. Organizing committee of the 13th Ecology and Behavior Conference 2017,

Associated member of "Association of Polar Early Career Scientists" French Commitee since 2021. Developer of the ArtPECS Webinar,