Research & Projects

RG Digitalization and Opening up of Science

Sonja Schimmler is head of the research group 'Digitalization and Opening up of Science' at the Weizenbaum Institute. Her group researches the digitization and opening up of science and actively shapes it. The current focus is on data infrastructures and data tools for interdisciplinary and data-intensive researchers. (2017-2027, BMBF)

A Digital Research Space for the Berlin University Alliance

As principal investigator, Sonja Schimmler is actively involved in the Berlin University Alliance:  In collaboration with FU and TU Berlin, she is leading the project "A Digital Research Space for the Berlin University Alliance". (2021-2024, DFG)


As principal investigator, Sonja Schimmler is actively involved in the data competency center QUADRIGAAs a scientific project lead, she is responsible to set up a platform that gives access to the educational resources developed within the project. (2023-2026, BMBF)

Base4NFDI - Basic Services for the NFDI

As co-spokesperson, Sonja Schimmler is part the initiative "Base4NFDI - Basic Services for the NFDI" within the NFDI initiative.  At Fraunhofer FOKUS, she will focus on requirements analysis and user testing. (2023-2028, DFG)

NFDI4DataScience - NFDI for Data Science and AI

As spokesperson, Sonja Schimmler is leading the consortium "NFDI4DataScience - NFDI for Data Science and AI" within the NFDI initiative.  At Fraunhofer FOKUS and TU Berlin she focuses on setting up a meta portal for the community. (2021-2026, DFG)

NFDI4Cat - NFDI for Catalysis-related Sciences

As co-spokesperson, Sonja Schimmler is part of the consortium "NFDI4Cat - NFDI for Catalysis-related Sciences" within the NFDI initiative.  At Fraunhofer FOKUS and TU Berlin she concentrates on building local and overarching data infrastructures for the community. (2020-2025, DFG)


In the QuarZ project, a software platform has been developed, which provides smart services for residents of a residential district, companies and administration. Fraunhofer FOKUS developed an open data platform, which makes the gathered data available. (2018-2021, BMWK)


piveau is a data mangement ecosystem, which is actively developed, and which is used in many projects at Fraunhofer FOKUS. piveau forms the basis for