
Sonja Schimmler is a visiting professor for research data infrastructure at Technical University of Berlin. At the same time, she is research group lead at Fraunhofer FOKUS.

She is involved in various third-party funded projects. She is engaged in the NFDI initiative (National Research Data Infrastructure), as spokesperson for the NFDI4DataScience consortium and the Common Infrastructures section, and as co-spokesperson of the Base4NFDI initiative and the NFDI4Cat consortium. She is also active in the BUA (Berlin University Alliance), responsible for the project »A Digital Research Space for the BUA« and at the Weizenbaum Institute, as head of the research group »Digitalization and Opening up of Science«.

Her research focuses on the digitalization and opening up of science. She puts a special emphasis on research data infrastructures. Her research interests range from Semantic Web and Linked Data over Data Science and Artificial Intelligence to Software Engineering and Human-Centered Computing.

She studied computer science at the Technical University of Munich and at the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) and received her doctorate at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich.