Per the Sonic Prime premiere megathread, this post will serve as the main discussion thread for "Barking Up The Wrong Tree", episode 5 of Sonic Prime. Please keep all discussion about this episode in either this thread or the megathread. All spoilers should be properly spoiler tagged.

Everyone tells me the earlier episodes of Sonic Boom are bland & kind of boring generic Action-Adventure episodes, but at some point the series becomes a Satire Comedy akin to how The Amazing World of Gumball went from being a Surrealist/Absurdist Comedy & turned into a Meta Satire Comedy

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Per the Sonic Prime premiere megathread, this post will serve as the main discussion thread for "Shattered", episode 1 of Sonic Prime. Please keep all discussion about this episode in either this thread or the megathread. All spoilers should be properly spoiler tagged.

I first list the essential episodes and then add some notes and pieces of opinion. I hope this list will be useful for the future watchers of Sonic X, which is an enjoyable show but contains lots of fillers (as all kids shows)!

Season 2 is populated with arcs from the different games, the Sonic Adventure and Sonic Battle one being of really low quality in my opinion and having little impact on the rest of the show. The SA2 one is rather good but it brings back the worst of people mistaking Shadow for Sonic, come on. I marked episodes 40 and 41 as fillers but I think this is the last occasion we see a real Sonic vs Eggman confrontation. The end of season 2 contains little to no action but is vital for the scenario.

Sonic Prime was officially announced in February 2021,[13] though the development of the series was initially revealed in a deleted tweet in December 2020.[14][15] The series will have 24 episodes overall.[16][17][18] Colleen O'Shaughnessey, known for portraying Miles "Tails" Prower since 2014, responded to a tweet on Twitter that she would not be reprising the role in the Netflix series, due to Canadian content and union laws meaning that a large portion of voice actors portraying roles in Canadian television programs have to be Canadian.[19][1] In May 2022, it was announced that Deven Mack would voice the titular character for the series.[8]

The first season of Sonic Prime, consisting of eight episodes, was released on December 15, 2022. The first episode premiered on Gamefam's Sonic game on Roblox, Sonic Speed Simulator, on December 10, 2022.[3][24] The release timeframes of the next seasons have not been officially confirmed, but will be in the "not too distant future" after the first season, according to executive producer Logan McPherson.[25] The first episode of the first season premiered on YouTube on December 24, 2022.

Season 2 was released on July 13, 2023. The first episode of season 2 premiered on YouTube on July 4, 2023. On July 14, just a day after the release of the second season, writer Duncan Rouleau revealed that the third season will be released at some point in January 2024.[26] Four days later on July 18, 2023, the second episode of season 2 premiered on YouTube. The third season will be released on January 11, 2024. The first episode of season 3 premiered on YouTube on January 5, 2024.

The season picks up immediately after the events of Season 2, with Shadow and Sonic facing the fallout of Nine's rejection. This follows Netflix's teaser trend of giving viewers the first episode early both via YouTube and (strangely enough) Roblox. This also comes as we've learned that the first season will soon be hitting blu-ray.

I am worried about how this can even fill 7 more episodes, because if Chaos Council was dead, then this could easily be finished in 2-3 episodes. I'm guessing Sonic will go through old Shatter Spaces yet again and I'm not too excited about this prospect.

Shadow in this so-bland vanilla in this episode and way too supportive of Sonic. The previous season started with him furious with Sonic and he has all the reasons to be angry again. Obviously, the world is exploding, and making him a thick idiot who fights Sonic instead of focusing on escape would been much-much-much worse. But imagine if he gave one punch before restraining himself. Or if his every line betrayed the barely contained resentment. How about some, you know, friccin emotions?

Now, you might argue that this was done for the climax of the story. Shadow was so supportive because Sonic lost everything, he's the last thing that gave him hope and kept Sonic going. And he sacrificed himself, leaving Sonic all alone.

First, we'll see if the next episode will capitalize on those emotions.

Second, that sounds like sacrificing characterization for the sake of drama. We have seen worse (Tails, Forces) but still.

Third, imagine if Shadow was all angry and edgy, but still decided to protect Sonic? If despite everything, he still chose saving over destroying? IDK, to me it sounds kinda like emotional complexity.

This was... grim, if you'll pardon the pun. I know that logically, the show's ending has to have some return to at least something resembling the status quo, but given how this episode ended and the whole tease about Sonic himself shattering, I have no idea how the writers are gonna pull off the conclusion. And quite frankly, I'm not sure how my overly sensitive heart can take whatever comes next.

I watched the episode yesterday, and- OMG! I was hanging onto every single scene as it all played out! Shadow being- different is really interesting! I can't wait to see how the rest of season three plays out!

I feel quite the opposite. Although Sonic was clearly the target of most of the focused abuse from the Grim team - he also took said abuse on the chin. He was getting bounced around like a pinball while Shadow fared much better holding his own. Shadow had to save Sonic multiple times over the course of the episode. Even if you go back and watch the running sequence in Ghost hill, there were several moments where Shadow had to reach back and push Sonic forward to keep him ahead of the pace. Saving him from the rouge asteroid. Keeping him from getting pancaked by Grim Amy's hammer and yeeting him into orbit at the end - the entire episode read like "Shadow > Sonic".

I know some are kinda mixed on Shadow in this first episode of the season. But honestly, I really like what they did with Shadow in Prime as a whole. And being more fleshed out as being some of the best parts of the show!

Sure, he was furious at the start of Season 2. But I can see why, lowkey because of his promise to Maria, tho the show doesn't hint towards that. It is something that occured to me when watching this episode. Only now he's shifted his anger to Nine, and going slightly easier on Sonic (after all, Shadow did lose the ones he cared about too, so he knows what Sonic's goin' through) while focusing on trying to make things right.

Either way, can't wait to see the remaining 7-episodes! Lowkey hoping Shadow's 4th Chaos Emerald shows up somewhere along the way, gotta at least get a Chaos Spear & Chaos Control moment in here somewhere.

At 04:00 PM I could finally go home, but when I passed the trash containers by the facility curiously took over me and I peeked inside. I noticed a DVD case without any cover, but a CD inside. I took it out and brushed off some dirt. The DVD had "Episode 79" written on it with a black permanent marker. Bingo! I had found the lost episode. Looking around I didn't see anyone watching me, so I took the DVD case with me. I wasn't really excited about the episode and hoped it wasn't some stupid Sonamy crap polluting my TV screen. I only wanted to pull the episode onto my computer and post it on YOUTUBE to gain some fame.

The episode started with Amy and Cream, sitting by a table with Vanilla (Creams mother). They were enjoying cake and tea. I was disappointed when Amy started to cry out for Sonic's love again. Vanilla suddenly slammed her fists down on the table and leaned close to Amy. "You know nothing about love, you moron/idiot!!" she yelled at her. Cream cringed and backed away, Cheese making his usual chao noises, looking sad as Cream hugged him close. "Thats how I lost him!" Thats how she lost who? Oh, wait. I'm sure you know Cream never had a father. Thus Vanilla had no husband. "I guess it wasn't TRUE love then!" Amy taunted Vanilla instead of being reasonable.

Sonic For Hire episodesSeason 11 "Paperboy" 2 "Punch Drunk" 3 "Toe Jam & Earl" 4 "Robotnik" 5 "Street Fighter" 6 "Earthworm Jim" 7 "Burger Time" 8 "Oregon Trail" 9 "Metroid" 10 "Kirby" 11 "Tetris" 12 "Golden Axe" 13 "Kid Icarus"Season 214 "ExciteBike" 15 "Dig Dug" 16 "PacMan" 17 "Bomberman" 18 "Mortal Kombat" 19 "Ice Hockey" 20 "Toad" 21 "Angry Birds" 22 "Double Dragon" 23 "Frogger" 24 "Donkey Kong Country" 25 "The Battle: Part 01" 26 "The Battle: Part 02"Season 327 "Tapper" 28 "Link" 29 "Peach" 30"Casino Zone: Part One" 31 "Casino Zone: Part Two" 32 "Casino Zone: Part Three" 33 "Tecmo Bowl" 34 "The War: Part One" 35 "The War: Part Two" 36 "Wrestlemania" 37 "Duck Hunt" 38 "Contra" 39 "It's On"Season 440 ""Restart"" 41 "Atari" 42 "Final Fantasy" 43 "Pokemon" 44 "Cash Explosion" 45 "Scribblenauts" 46 "MegaMan" 47 "The New Kirby" 48 "Mass Effect" 49 "Two Bad Characters" 50 "El Padrino" 51 "Movie Magic" 52 "The Red Carpet"Season 553 "Star Fox" 54 "Aliens" 55 "Joust" 56 "Blaster Master" 57 "Mother Brain" 58 "Asteroids" 59 "Destroy Venom" 60 "Star Wars" 61 "Rocket Knight Adventures" 62 "StarCraft" 63 "Shadow" 64 "Falco" 65 "Space Chicken"Season 666 "Chrono Trigger" 67 "Sonic Knuckles" 68 "Streets of Rage" 69 "Eggman" 70 "Crash Bandicoot" 71 "Thunderhead" 72 "The Avengers" 73 "Return Of The Plumber" 74 "Soniqua Mad" 75 "Flaming Bag of Poop" 76 "Things Get Messy" 77 "This Can't Be Good" 78 "Reset"Season 779 "Rebuild" 80 "Back To Work" 81 "Elevator Action" 82 "Kung Fu" 83 "TMNT" 84 "Wreck It Ralph" 85 "Castlevania" 86 "Ghosts 'n Goblins" 87 "Battletoads" 88 "A Link To The Past" 89 "Gears of War" 90 "Lowbrow" 91 "The Creator"Season 892 "Sonic Mania" 93 "We're Back!" 94 "Cold Blood" 95 "New Blood" 96 "Sonic Begins" 97 "Back Together" 98 "Sonic's Bad Idea" 99 "Comeback!"Season 9100 "Admissions Impossible" 101 "Super College Bros" 102 "From Here To Fraternity" 103 "Sonic Vs X-Men: School of X-tradordinary Idiots" 104 "Love and Pokemon" 105 "The Fast and the Furryous" 106 "Sonic and Fails" 107 "HBO's Entourage" 006ab0faaa

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