Managers and compliance auditors often ask IT admins to present a report listing file share permissions granted to a group or a particular user. Here are a few paid and free tools that will help you save time on generating these reports.

NTFS Permissions Reporter generates reports on file and folder permissions and you can easily export the results to an HTML file. It displays group members (direct and nested) right in the report; plus, you can pick the report format (a tree or table), as well as highlight different permissions in different colors. However, it creates reports on NTFS permissions for a folder only; it cannot show the permissions of a user.

Ntfs Permissions Tools Download

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Netwrix Auditor for Windows File Servers delivers deep visibility into your Windows file servers, including permissions. It provides a complete picture of effective permissions by user and by object across multiple file servers and shares, and understand whether those file permissions were assigned directly or via group membership. Moreover, it makes it easy for data owners to perform regular user access reviews, limiting permissions sprawl.

It also delivers visibility into all changes and all access events (both successful and failed) across your file storages, so you can promptly detect privilege escalation attempts and other suspicious activity. It can even identify duplicate files and stale data across your Windows file servers. Its ready-to-use reports streamline NTFS permissions audits and compliance reporting for PCI DSS, SOX, HIPAA and other regulations.

NTFS Permissions Auditor allows you to review and analyze any NTFS folder permissions. The free version provides details like full path, owner, last modified date, inherited flag and a full list of permissions in hierarchical folder view or account view. The pro version offers additional features such as report filtering by criteria like account name, SID or department; permission change analysis; export to various formats; report customization; automation; and more.

NTFS (New Technology File System) permissions are stored in the Master File Table (MFT) of an NTFS file system. The MFT is a database-like structure that stores metadata for files and folders on an NTFS volume. It contains information about file attributes, file names, timestamps, and security descriptors, which include the NTFS permissions.

Because of New Technology File System (NTFS) permissions inheritance, even system administrators might not always have a full picture of access rights throughout their file system directory without constantly performing time-intensive, meticulous audits. For this reason, a free NTFS permissions reporter goes a long way in helping system administrators and IT personnel gain visibility into access rights across their network, manage permissions, and prepare compliance reports.

The NTFS Permissions Reporter by CJWDEV is an extremely adept tool for tracking access permissions. It displays group users with either direct or nested access for an entire file system directory. The report can be generated in either a tree or table format with color-coded access levels.

With Netwrix Effective Permissions Reporting Tool, admins can search a user or group throughout their entire IT infrastructure. The tool then generates a permissions report for an active directory or file share, including how users gained access, that can be exported as an HTML file. This information, though much more limited than reports generated by other tools, allows admins to guard against excessive user permissions by making sure they only have the appropriate permissions for their roles at the company.

The ManageEngine ADManager Plus tool is another great Active Directory monitoring and reporting tool. It provides visibility into the shares in specified serves, including information on locations and accounts, and shows objects guarded against inheritable permissions. It aids admins with their AD control tasks and has over 150 preformatted reports for file-auditing purposes.

Finally, the FolderSecurityViewer NTFS permissions reporter has many of the same features listed in the software options above. This NTFS permissions reporter can export data in an Excel, CSV, or HTML format, and it can generate permissions reports on a by-user or by-share basis. It traverses nested groups in the Active Directory to make sure all permissions for a given folder are reported.

The SolarWinds Access Rights Manager (ARM) is hands down the best NTFS permissions reporter available to demonstrate compliance and ensure internal security, preventing disastrous data leaks. Its permissions visibility capabilities are superior to any other tool on the market, free or otherwise.

Finally, ARM has a variety of tracking tools to notify system administrators when file breaches have occurred, or suspicious activity is taking place, logging all changes for later reporting. ARM can be used for free with full functionality for a 30-day demo period.

Even the most competent IT departments need help tracking file and share permissions across an entire network, which becomes cumbersome, if not impossible, as complicated AD structures across file shares on several servers make it difficult to understand who has access to what information.

For transparent pricing and a full range of features upfront, I recommend Access Rights Manager or Security Event Manager with File Integrity Monitoring. Both are highly scalable, include customizable templates and filters, have sophisticated reporting capabilities for compliance documentation and internal presentations, and prioritize UI to make data easily visualizable. I found these two tools most intuitive to use and most informative, plus both SolarWinds products come with support and a 30-day free trial to test things out before deciding.

A powerful reporting tool designed to make it easy to view NTFS permissions all the way down your directory tree

NTFS Permissions Reporter is a modern user friendly tool for reporting on directory permissions on your Windows file servers. It lets you quickly see which groups and users have access to which directories and allows you to export this information to file for further reviewing.

Features such as the highly customisable filtering system and the ability to display group members (direct and nested) directly in the report, combined with the choice of a tree or table based result view format and the option to highlight different permissions in different colours, make this one of the most powerful and easy to use permissions reporting tools available. The filtering options allow you to quickly find rogue permissions that do not conform to your company standards or to easily detect directories that have permissions assigned for accounts that no longer exist, and let you exclude permissions that you are not interested in (for example you could exclude all inherited permissions or exclude directories where permissions are the same as the parent directory). You can build your filter based on a huge number of attributes, including: the account name, account type, which domain the account is from, whether or not the permissions is inherited, whether or not the account is currently disabled, the account SID, whether or not a group has no members, and much more.

Free Edition

The free edition is provided in the hope that it is useful to fellow IT Pros, it is not intended to just be a trial/demo of the standard edition (though you can use it as such if you are considering purchasing the standard edition). Whilst some features are only available in the standard edition, hopefully the free edition will still be useful to people. See below for a summary of the features that can be found in the free edition (and the standard edition)

 Powerful - With options such as being able to view group members (and nested group and primary group members) directly within the report

 Fast - Intelligent caching helps make this one of the fastest permissions reporting tools available

 Accessible - Just right click on any directory in Windows Explorer and choose Report Permissions to see permissions for the full directory tree

 Accurate - Unlike some other tools out there, you will always get accurate representations of permissions with NTFS Permissions Reporter

 User Friendly - Designed to be easy to use and modern, you can be running your first report within seconds of launching the application for the first time

 Exportable - Easily export report results to file (HTML file in free edition, additional formats in standard edition)

 Multi-Domain Friendly - Correctly reports display names and other account details for accounts in external trusted domains

Standard Edition

Standard edition includes all of the features included in the free edition listed above, as well as the following features:

 Export query results to Excel XLSX file, CSV, HTML, or the NTPR file format that allows reports to be loaded back in to the tool at a later date

 Compare Reports feature allows you to see the differences in permissions between 2 reports that have been exported to NTPR format

 Email report results automatically when a report finishes

 Create filters that help you find exactly what you are looking for or exclude permissions that you are not interested in

 Full command line support makes it easy to schedule report generation or to load your favourite filters and settings each time you launch the application

Free upgrades to new versions for the lifetime of the application


Results in tree view

Results in table view

New report options

Configuring a filter

Excluding directories

Command line options

Importing shares from server

Configuring individual filter items

Selecting attribute to filter on


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