Network Assessment using NetAScore tool from mobility lab of the University of Salzburg.

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I have used the NetAScore tool to visualize the walkability and bikeability for Tallinn, Estonia. This tool uses data from Open Street map(OSM). More and more cities are moving towards sustainable mobility and the first step towards it will be to assess the current network. Theis tool uses the information from OSM  to give weight and the result is index. I have used QGIS to visualize the bike and walk index.

Network Assessment using NetAScore tool from mobility lab of the University of Salzburg.

Link to repository

I have used the NetAScore tool to visualize the walkability and likeability for 


Download and visualise OpenStreetMap data with OSMnx

Based on tutorialfrom University of Helsinki 

Visualising emissions onto the roads

We can use here Altair to plot the road network with each road colored with respect to the emissions it suffers.

Based on GitHub - matteoboh/mobility_emissions: Collection of methods that compute emissions starting from mobility trajectories. 

Emissions' distributions

And finally we can visualize and fit the distributions of the estimated emissions across the vehicles and roads.

We use here the powerlaw library for computing the Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) of the emissions of each pollutant cross the vehicles (left) and roads (right) of the chosen district, and show these distributions on a log-log plot.