Illayara: a semi-comprehensive guide

... Cricket noises... I have 70-ish(and growing) pages worth of notes for this world, but I'm not sure how to format it all correctly/cohesively...

The World Theory

The World Theory attempts to explain, in dubiously comprehensible terms, the fictional structure of the universe that several or most of my stories operate in.

Condensed version: You, the earth, planets, stars, and galaxies are all contained inside of a specific world, and there are multiple worlds; which are all pretty much impossible to travel between. No one knows how many there are, but it isn't endless. Each of these worlds, all made by the Creator, are in turn contained inside of the one and only universe. Voila.

For example:

You --> City, Country --> Earth --> Solar System --> Milky Way --> [Our World, extending to the edges of space] --> UNIVERSE

Gilded Fall --> Andarran, Tala Empire --> Nayim Sansara(the land) --> [Unnamed] ---> [Unnamed] --> Illayara(the world) --> UNIVERSE

Destiny --> [Changes] --> [Changes] --> [Changes] --> [Changes] --> UNIVERSE

 Think... Narnia? Or something similar in structure.

Someone told me I should have just led with that

*All of my "Clan of Silversong" lore storylines happen purely within the Flight Rising universe, created by Stormlight Workshop LCC., and do not apply with this universe structure. Some of my other, fully original stories do apply, however, though not all of them.

**Don't take this as an actual philosophy or anything, ha.

Illayara itself is an anomaly; a land riddled with natural holes and gaps that lead to other worlds. 

Reaching any other worlds is usually very difficult, and/or in most cases, impossible. The jump from any world to another is most often a magical one, though there are other ways if one is persistent or lucky enough. Gaps/links in other worlds exist as well, though they are few and far between, and inconsistent with their placement. Many have searched all their lives without having found a single one, though most simply don't know about their existence in the first place.

The links, also known as aperuits or liyos(?), permeate many of Illayara's natural areas, particularly the bordering mountains, and have been a source of much debate, bringing both strife and difficulty as well as growth and goodness. Through them, many people accidentally stumble into Illayara from other worlds, and are unable to find their way back. These people are called Illayars, or accidental world-crossers, and Tarua helps them adjust to their new lives here.


Quick history~

Illayara was discovered by two different human groups at the same time. After accidentally finding their way in from two separate areas of the same home world, they each founded a settlement. The first built their settlement some miles West of the Kiarpyn [Kee-AR-pine or KEE-ar-pin] river, and the second had theirs on the East side.

The Illayar groups were unaware of each others' presence until _. After receiving a message and command from _, they merged together and founded a city where they were at the river. This became the Kingdom of Tarua, and the people were called Taruans. They eventually were able to discover other worlds, establish trades, grow in their power and connections, and help people who accidentally found their way into the world just like they stumbled in generations ago. 

Fast forward like 1000 years, and hey, that's my story would begin. However, long before starting that, I would like to practice and develop my writing skills first through the use of a Gilded Fall storyline, a somewhat shorter story that'll occur in Illayara's past somewhere close to the year 650, when the dragon-run Tala Empire(and the use of spark magic) was at its peak.

TIMELINE: History of Illayara

A Taruan Account of History, by Jahn Aphaxad.

you don't get to see yet, pal