
Look it's a bird! it's a cat! it's a cockroach! no wait it's just Destiny whoaaaa

just kidding she would never become a cockroach

Going to try organizing this like an article wiki thing of some sort. Maybe. 

Destiny is an adult female peregrine falcon who was born an unknown number of years ago in an unnamed home world. She is about 1.7 feet tall with long, tapered wings built for speed, high altitudes, and far-distance flying. She possesses the natural ability to shapeshift almost any [non-humanoid] living creature. She also possesses the ability to travel to other worlds and can occasionally heal faster while in other forms. She calls these her natural abilities, and shies strongly from referring to them as magic.

Speed is important to her, so most of her forms have lithe, slender, and/or streamlined frames to reflect that.

Note: I use her to represent me visually, separate from her own story, since I can't draw humans consistently yet.

She basically looks like the image attached below, but a fair bit darker in plumage and with a narrower tail.

Credit to

Destiny's story has to do with feeling broken, searching for peace, and finding a place to call home.

Main Forms:

Fox - a blueish-grey furred fox(around the size of a medium-small dog, standing circa 2 ft tall) with pointed black ears, muzzle, and legs, and a white-tipped tail plus underbelly. This is the form she predominantly began using and still uses while traveling to other worlds for the first time and/or meeting people. She enjoys the feel of it.

Feline - slightly larger than your average jaguar(standing about 3 and a half ft tall), this cat's complex patterns are a semi-organized delicate mishmash of cheetah spots, jaguar rosettes, tiger stripes, and ocelot striation, with a sinewy body frame combination of the first three. Fast and powerful, this form is often used for ground-based battle or sudden fights.

Dragon - a jet-black dragon, about the size of a horse, with a sleek, wiry frame and long tail. There are two arched, falcon-shaped wings, the membranes of which are the same vibrant blue-green shade as her scleras. The eyes' irises can change from gold to thin, icy blue when the pupil dilates or focuses. Two straight horns and a row of spines run down two sections of her neck and back, with a gap in-between. This form can breathe a thin stream of white fire, which is occasionally licked at the edges with blue and/or orange when cooled. Mainly used for intimidation or aerial fighting.

Aside from those most common, Destiny is inclined to pick some forms over others. You may notice some of these in a few of my videos with her:

[Pine or Black-and-white] warbler - her small bird of choice. Perfect when she needs to become smaller, fly somewhere quick and fast, or make a discreet escape. Ironically, warblers are also some of her favorite birds to eat...

[Black-capped] capuchin monkey - essential for using anything created by humans that annoyingly require the use of fingers---especially doorknobs.

[Unspecified, mixed breed] dog - for blending in with humans, especially in a crowd. Appearance varies slightly on circumstances or how she wants it to look in the moment. Frame often has a grehounderly curve and fur patterns are patchy but often either various shades of brown and white or black and grey.

[Six-lined] racerunner or [_] gecko - small lizards, to get out of sight quickly, though they also can be used for climbing up steep or slippery surfaces, like walls or windows, if flying isn't an option.

[Unspecified, mixed breed] horse - a mare with a gaited/light frame and some Akhal-teke sheen. Jet-black coat, with a white crown on one hind leg and/or occasionally a star marking. The running ability is a definite plus, but doesn't like the food options with this form.

[Grey] wolf - a very dark-furred, plain wolf with no special markings. Not used very often at all, but turning into this for the first time is what allowed her to discover her shapeshifting ability in the first place.




Learning about the worlds she visits, their culture and history

Trying new foods

Rabbit (as prey)

Warblers (as prey)

Dry humor/wit

Sparring/keeping her fighting skills sharp


The ocean

Violence(fat chance avoiding that, pal)

Obnoxiously loud birds

Fun Facts:

Artwork or Videos

[Recent] personal artwork or video content I have created for Destiny~

yeah no I have more I think but it might take a while to find-

Artwork others have made which feature Destiny~

Apologies if your artwork gets cut off---it's a problem I sadly cannot fix. Please check out the folder below for all the fully-sized artwork!

Attacks made during ArtFight, featuring Destiny~

Above by roswell, 2022

Q&A ~ 

Want to ask some own questions about Destiny? Use the form below.


Nonexistency (anonymous) : Destiny, what is your name?

... It's just Destiny. I don't have a surname.

CrystalFeather: Destiny, what is your favorite form to shapeshift into? :D

I enjoy using all of them, to an extent. However... I suppose I'd have to say my fox form is one that I've become increasingly comfortable with, and it is easier to use when interacting with humans. On the rare mornings I find myself with enough spare time and peace, I do like to take a quick flight around or hunt using my true form. There's nothing like being in one's own feathers, sometimes.