I am building this angular component where it displays solid star icon when it is clicked (isChecked value is true), and empty star when it isn't (isChecked value is false). But, I'm facing this issue as how to use class.fa-star because angular will be confused as to which fa-star to display (solid or hollow star because both have same name but different class of icons).

I've always been confused what it is about The Motion Picture that even die hard Star Trek fans don't like. It has great scope, touches on concepts explored in the show (like ' The Changeling' for example), offers decent suspense, a great sci-fi twist in the reveal about V'Ger's origin, the characters feel true to themselves and it even offers philosophical quandaries that are indicative of usually great Trek. I just got done rewatching it and was just curious why some fans don't like it, or even say that the script doesn't feel like solid Star Trek. Any thoughts?

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Much like its conflicted hero, the film comes across as rather confused. Batla House begins with an inordinately long pre-credits disclaimer (obviously CBFC-mandated) to distance itself from any assertion that it is presenting the truth and nothing but the truth. What follows is a thriller whose makers are unable to decide what stand to take on the incident that has inspired the screenplay. When the plot winds up in a courtroom, the film presents both sides of the case, taking care to point out in an onscreen rider that "the filmmakers do not endorse any of the views on either side". Batla House is a 'bipolar' film that oscillates between the perfectly sane and the troublingly callous as it examines the morality of men in uniform using undue force and presents a facile portrait of youth armed and misled by religious zealots.

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Such were my thoughts, as I stood pensively upon theblock that served as a step when I was boy, and whichstill occupied its ancient position. I noticed that a largecrack extended its whole length, and several shrubs, ofno insignificant size, were growing out of the aperture.This prepared me for the wreck and ruin of the interior.The door had been torn from its hinge, and was sustainedin an upright position by a bar or prop on theinside. This readily gave way on a slight pressure, andas the old door tumbled headlong upon the floor, itawoke a thousand confused and muffled echoes, morestartling to me than a clap of the loudest thunder. Butthe moment I passed the threshold, the gloom andterror instantly vanished. I noticed that the back doorwas open, and in casting my glance to the upper end ofthe room, where the Rev. Mr. Craig once presided instate, my eyes were greeted by an apparition, that hadevidently become domiciliated in the premises, andwhose appearance revolutionized the whole tenor of mythoughts. Before me stood one of those venerable-lookingbilly-goats, of sedate eye, fantastic beard, andcrumpled horn, the detestation of perfumed belle, andthe dread of mischievous urchin. I had seen a fac-simileof him many years before, not exactly in the sameplace, but hard by in a thicket of pines. I could almostfancy it to be the ghost of the murdered ancestor, orsome phantom sent to haunt me near the spot of hisexecution. I shed no tear, I heaved no sigh, as I trodthe dust-covered floor of the "Woodville Academy,"but greeted my Alma Mater with a shout of almost boyishlaughter as I approached the spot where the pedagogueonce sat upon his throne.

They presented the most picturesque appearanceimaginable, dressed apparently in holiday attire, andkeeping step to a low air, performed on instrumentsemitting a dull, confused sound, that seldom rose so asto be heard at any great distance.

"The axis being too long," says the report, "inmyopic eyes, parallel rays, such as proceed from distantobjects, are brought to a focus at a point so far in frontof the retina, that only confused images are formedupon it. Such a malformation, constituting an excess ofrefractive power, can only be neutralized by concaveglasses, which give such a direction to rays enteringthe eye as will allow of their being brought to a focusat a proper point for distant perception."

The next evening the committee assembled earlier,so as to get a view of the planet Venus before the moonrose. It was the first time that the lad's attention hadbeen drawn to any of the planets, and he evinced theliveliest joy when he first beheld the cloudless disk of[Pg 186]that resplendent world. It may here be stated that hispower of vision, in looking at the fixed stars, was nogreater or less than that of an ordinary eye. Theyappeared only as points of light, too far removed intothe infinite beyond to afford any information concerningtheir properties. But the committee were doomedto a greater disappointment when they inquired of theboy what he beheld on the surface of Venus. He replied,"Nothing clearly; all is confused and watery; Isee nothing with distinctness." The solution of thedifficulty was easily apprehended, and at once surmised.The focus of the eye was fixed by nature at 240,000miles, and the least distance of Venus from the earthbeing 24,293,000 miles, it was, of course, impossible toobserve that planet's surface with distinctness. Stillshe appeared greatly enlarged, covering about onehundredth part of the heavens, and blazing with unimaginablesplendor. 006ab0faaa

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