Hand Signs

Tone syllables and related Hand signs are used for teaching sight-singing in Tonic sol-fa and in the Kodály method. In both Movable do solfège methods, each tone syllable (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) represents a scale degree of the major scale. In C-Major, do stands for C, re for D, etc. In G-Major do stands for G, re for A etc. By singing on tone-syllables and practicing hand signs, singers can improve their intuitive musical understanding and get a better intonation.

Learn and Practice

This app detects Solfège hand signs from the iPhone or iPad camera and gives audible and visual feedback. The app presents hand signs, you follow. The app plays Solfège syllables or instrument tones when it detects a hand sign. You can sing along. This way you can learn the hand signs and practice singing.

You can also send notes to other apps.

Have fun together

The app detects up to 8 hands from the front or from the back camera. You can also share video recordings of your performance.

Note: A recent device (iPhone X or up) is necessary for fluent hand detection.