Supervised Theses

Supervised PhD Theses

Here is a list of the PhD theses that I have supervised or currently supervise:

2017 - 2021: Carlos Méndez, "A new method for the identification and prediction of flutter in flight test". Co-supervised by: Prof. J.M. Vega (UPM). BECAL program (Paraguay) 

2019 - 2022: Jiaqing Kou, “Immersed Boundary Methods for Fixed and Moving Bodies Using High-Order Solvers ”. Co-supervised by: Prof. E. Ferrer (UPM). European Project ASIMIA (ITN-EID). 

2020 - 2024: Beka Begiashvili, “Analysis of dynamical systems in aerospace engineering using advanced modal decomposition techniques”. Co-supervised by: Prof. J. Garicano (UPM). 

2020 - 2024: Nourelhouda Groun, “Advanced data-driven modal decomposition techniques for medical imaging applications ”. Co-supervised by: Prof. J. Garicano (UPM). Universidad Complutense de Madrid exchange program IMEIO (UPM & UCM). 


2020 - present: Adrián Corrochano, “Reduced order models for turbulent combustion”. UPM internal scholarship program. 

2020 - present: S. Rodrigo Abadía, “Machine learning and neural networks in multiphase turbulent flows”. Projects NEMDAEA and MODEL-CO 

2022 - present: Eneko Lazpita, “New tools to identify flow patterns in complex flows”. Co-supervised by: Dr. J. Garicano (UPM). Projects DigitHEART and CardioAging.

2022 - present: Ashton Ian Hetherington, “Modelling outdoor environments with machine learning”.  

2022 - present: Christian Amor, “New models and data-driven tools for turbulent jet flows”. Co-supervised by: Dr. M. Rosti (OIST). Funded by the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST - Japan) scholarship program. 

2023 - present: Prajith Pillai, “Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Extraction Techniques to Massive Combustion Datasets of Renewable Synthetic Fuels”. Co-supervised by: Prof. Laura Saavedra (UPM). European Project ENCODING (MSCA-DN).

2023 - present: Guillermo Barragán, “Generating physics-aware machine learning models to reduce air pollution in cities”. Co-supervised by: Prof. J. Garicano (UPM). European Project MODELAIR (MSCA-DN).

2023 - present: Arindam Sengupta, “Machine learning models to exploit information from sensors to attenuate air pollution in cities”. Co-supervised by: Prof.. European Project MODELAIR (MSCA-DN).

2023 - present: Paul Jeanney, “Traffic control and pedestrianization of roads to reduce air pollution”. Co-supervised by: Prof. J.M. Pérez (UPM). Supervisors in ARUP: Dr. Susana Sáiz, Dr. David Lanceta, European Project MODELAIR (MSCA-DN).

2023 - present: Álvaro Manzano Sevillano, “Coupling CFD and Open-air Experiments to Model Outdoor Environments”. Co-supervised by: Prof. C. Garcia-Sanchez (TU Delft - Holland). Supervisor in Microflown: D. Fernandez. European Project MODELAIR (MSCA-DN).

2023 - present: Iñaki Gutiérrez, “Machine learning to generate tools to fight climate change”. Co-supervised by: Prof. E. Serrano (UPM)

Supervised MSc Theses

This is the list of MSc theses I have supervised. The MSc programmes are MSc in Aeronautical Engineering (MUIA) and MSc in Industrial Mathematics (MUMI):

2024 - June: A. Manzano, ‘Numerical simulations to reduce air pollution in urban areas’. MUMI.

2023 - february: E. Lazpita, ‘New flow control tools tested in a conjugate heat transfer channel’. MUMI.

2022 - september: Simon Pesqueux, ‘Transient Reduced order modelling for the thermal-hydraulic behavious of on board radar’. MUIA/THALES International exchage program. Thales Defence Mission Systems France. 

2022 - september: P. Díaz Morales, ‘Reconstrucción de bases de datos de dinámica de fluidos mediante redes neuronales’. MUIA. 

2022 - june: E. Muñoz Salamanca, ‘Identificación de patrones de flujo mediante clustering y autoencoders en chorros sintéticos’. MUIA. 

2022 - june: S.R. Abadía Heredia, ‘Deep learning en fluidos con partículas’. Score: 10. MUMI. 

2022 - february: J. López Bruno, ‘Detección de flameo aeroelástico mediante técnicas de descomposición en modos dinámicos de alto orden (HODMD) y redes neuronales convolucionales (CNN)’. In colaboration with Capgemini. MUMI. 

2021 - june: M. Ordóñez de Arce, ‘Modeling of atmospheric boundary layer for its applications in acoustics: CFD & reduced order models’. In colaboration with Microflown. MUMI. 

2021 - february: A. Corrochano Calcerrada, ‘Herramientas de estabilidad en fluidos complejos’. Score: 10 – Honourable Mention. MUMI. 

2021 - february: C. Amor Rodríguez, ‘Algoritmos basados en datos para el estudio de patrones espaciotemporales en flujos complejos’. Score: 10 – Honourable Mention. MUMI. 

2018 – june: J.D. Castaño Joaqui, ‘Análisis de estructuras en turbinas eólicas’. Score: 10. MUIA. 

Supervised BSc Theses

This is the list of BSc theses I have supervised:

2023 - september: Víctor Jiménez, ‘CFD simulations in urban flows ’.

2023 - september: Víctor Gil García, ‘Development of new algorithms in Nek5000’.

2023 - june: Daniel Serfaty, ‘Reconstruction of turbulent flows unsing ROMs’. 

2021 - june: E. Lazpita, ‘Descomposición Modal en flujos urbanos turbulentos’. 

2021 - june: L. Mata Cervera, ‘Aceleración de simulaciones numéricas sobre flujo multifásico mediante redes neuronales’. Score: 10 – Honourable Mention. 

2021 - june: B.S. Pulido Ramos, ‘Simulación numérica de flujos bifásicos en canales de sección variable’. Co-supervised by: J.M. Pérez. 

2020 - june: A. Pariente, ‘Nuevo solver para estudiar modelar el movimiento de la sangre en venas y arterias’. Score: 10 – Honourable Mention. 

2020 - june: E. Muñoz Salamanca, ‘Simulación numérica para estudiar la generación vórtices en flujos cardiacos’. 

2019 - july: A. Corrochano Calcerrada, ‘Estudio de efectos en la sangre producidos por boquillas FDA’. Score: 10 – Honourable Mention. 

2019 – june: I. Palomo Rumschisky, ‘Flujos pulsátiles y sus efectos en venas y arterias’. Score: 10 – Honourable Mention. 

2019 - june: C. Amor Rodriguez, ‘Patrones espacio-temporales en flujos complejos’. Score: 10 – Honourable Mention. 

2019 - july: J. Mogio González, ‘Generación óptima de vórtices en fluido cardiacos’. 

2019 - february: G. Ramos Casado, ‘Análisis de estructuras fluidodinámicas en flujos transicionales y turbulentos’. Score: 10 – Honourable Mention. 

2018 – july: E. Bell Navas, ‘Ecuaciones extendidas para modelar la estela de un cilindro’. Score: 10. 

2017- june: M. Viturro Balufo, ‘Simulación numérica y análisis de estructuras en un ZNMF jet’. 

Additional Information

In addition to obtaining the highest score possible in their thesis, many of my students have presented their work in international conferences and published their thesis as a book chapter, 'proceedings', or in an international magazine. Here is a list with some examples:

1) Palomo, I., Pérez, J.M., Le Clainche, S., ‘Topological variations in the optimal vortex due to the interaction of two concentric synthetic jets’, Results in Engineering, DOI. 10.1016/j.rineng.2019.100023, 2019. 

2) Amor, C., Pérez, J.M., Schlatter, P., Vinuesa, R., Le Clainche, S., ‘Soft Computing Techniques to Analyze the Turbulent Wake of a Wall-Mounted Square Cylinder’, 14th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2019), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol. 950, 577-586, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030- 20055-8_55. 

3) Bell, E., Méndez, C., Le Clainche, S., Vega, J.M., A reduced order model to create two-dimensional flow fields from uni-dimensional data, Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2019, San Diego, California, USA, AIAA paper 2019-2361, 2019.

4) Viturro, M., Le Clainche, S., Vega, J.M., Soria, J., ‘The influence of the cavity in the flow structures of a zero-net-mass-flux jet’, Proceedings of the 2018 Fluid Dynamics Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, AIAA paper 2018-4037, 2018. DOI:

5) Ramos, G., Beltrán, V., Le Clainche, S., Ferrer, E., Vega, J.M., ‘Flow structures in the turbulent wake of a cross-flow wind turbine’, Proceedings of the 2018 Wind Energy Symposium, Kissimmee, Florida, USA, AIAA paper 2018-0253, 2018. DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-0253. Publicación 16 en 1A1-2. 

6) Martín, J.A., Corrochano, A., Sierra, J., Fabre, D., Le Clainche, S., ‘Modelling double concentric jets using linear and non-linear approaches’, 15th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2020). 

7) Abadía-Heredia, R., Pariente, A., Pérez, J.M., Le Clainche, S., ‘Tortuosity in tumors: the need of combining multiphase flows with machine learning tools’, Res. in Eng., 11, 100234, 2021. 

8) Corrochano, A., Xavier, D., Schlatter, P., Vinuesa, R., Le Clainche, S., Flow Structures on a Planar Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Nozzle at Low and Intermediate Reynolds Number, Fluids, 6(1), 4, 2021. 

9) Muñoz, E., Le Clainche, S., ‘On the topology patterns and symmetry breaking in two planar synthetic jets’, Phys. Fluids 34, 024103, 2022. 

10) Lazpita, E., Martínez-Sánchez, A., Corrochano, A., Hoyas, S., Le Clainche, S., Vinuesa, R., On the generation and destruction mechanisms of arch vortices in urban fluid flows, Phys. Fluids, 34(5), 051702, 2022.