Move the warehouseman using the arrow keys and push all the boxes onto the colored part of the floor. Be careful not to get the boxes stuck in an unmovable position as they are to heavy to pull. If you make a mistake you can undo it with control + z or backspace and if you want to reset the level you can do so using escape.

But how do you make a good sokoban level? Especially the latter ones? They have a lot of steps, so I don't think someone would just get away by changing something and retrying until it works just right, maybe there's some pattern that I could use?

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I am myself learning Lua at the moment and so I decided to make sokoban clone while I am at it, and I want to make my own levels instead of completely copying the game, but at the moment I can't see myself creating a level, checking if it works, changing some parts, and doing it again until it's just right.

Like maybe, levels instead are built from bigger patterns? such as 2x3 grid with box in the middle, or just area arranged like that without the box so it's possible to push a box through there by taking a turn to other direction?

TL;DR are there any known or common rules which I can follow and make my life easier while designing a bunch of sokoban levels? There's of course no such thing that would work for any puzzle game, but for sokoban, maybe?

What's the purpose of sokoban levels? I found 4 scrolls of earth in level 1, and there are a lot of gold boulders that give like 400+ gold if i dig, but there are holes that can be filled with those.

When I reached sokoban, I left my horse and flew alone to all 4 levels. At level 4 in the room full of monsters I befriended another warhorse to use it to run and rush. Level 4 had a teleportal which will lead back to the dungeon. I left my horses back in level 1 of sokoban and flew solo to level 4, broke all gold boulders returning to level 3, 2, then 1. I encountered a mugger on the way who I dispatched while he was still non-hostile - trapped with beartrap, and used a shotg-n. I have had bad experience with muggers before, they wait until I collect all gold in a level and turn hostile.

Thank you u/Lord_Smore and u/SirStabsies - I didn't read the scrolls of earth inside Sokoban, should I go back and do that? I read somewhere I get a lot of gemstones if I read that scroll in sokoban.

Some programs allow playing a level in reverse mode.The level is displayed having all boxes at goals and the player can pull the boxes.This way it's sometimes easier to determine the push sequence needed to solve a level at the end when forward playing (-> pushing the boxes).

Since the player may be in different areas at the end of the level the start position in reverse mode is not known when reverse mode is used.

It's therefore possible for the player to "jump" to the start position before the first pull is made.

It's also possible to save moves of the player even if they don't constitute a solution for the level.

In this case these moves are called "snapshot". 

The only differences between a solution and a snapshot is the fact that the moves of a snapshot don't result in a solved state of the level.

Many authors publish several levels as a collection of levels. This collection is named, for instance "Sokoban Perfect". Usually all levels contained in this collection are then referred to as "the Sokoban Perfect levels".

A specific level of this level collection is specified by adding the number of the level in that collection after the collection name. For instance to refer to the 10th level of the collection "Sokoban Perfect" one can write: "Sokoban Perfect #10" or simply "Sokoban Perfect 10".

In the case the levels don't have own titles they are just numbered (1, 2, 3, ...) However, some authors also named their levels.

There exist various file formats for storing the data of a level / level collection. The most common file extensions are: .sok, .xsb and .txt 

Every file format stores the data in a different way. Some store all data in just one file and others store different data in different files (for instance the solutions may be saved in extra files for every level). 

The often used .sok-format is described here: sok format

The XSB format with RLE (run-length-encoding), is more compact and efficient in mobile devices (as Palm, PocketPC, Smart Phones), besides being smaller to send for SMS.It can be used for both: levels and solutions.

The rows of the level are separated by "|"s.There has been a discussion in the Yahoo Group about what character should represent an empty square in May 2006. Finally the hyphen has been elected to be the standard character for an empty square. Nevertheless, programs are encouraged to support both, hyphens and underscores.

Replace all spaces by hyphens "-" (preferred) or underscores "_".(Recipients of your mail will have to transpose them back to spaces in order to import the levels into their Sokoban programs, although, some Sokoban programs will perform this transposition automatically.)

I was experimenting a bit with generation of Sokoban levels in PDDL and found out that many levels in Sokoban, which appear easy to humans, seem to be quite hard for PDDL planners (to be honest I also found vice versa examples).

So I wonder whether there is a planner out there which can - on medium hardware like i7 16GB memory - find a solution in at most a day for this Sokoban level (Playable on _2 ), which is just the second level of the original Sokoban game und appears to be fairly easy for humans:

This level is encoded in the following PDDL files (tell me if you think that this presentation is rather unsuitable for PDDL planners - I don't think so). I carefully checked the PDDL files using an emulation and could successfully acquire the goal with a manually created plan.

Sokoban Level 4b is one of two possible maps for the last level of Sokoban in NetHack, and is among the various possible maps for that level in variants of NetHack. Behind the holes is a treasure zoo with three doors - inside one of the doors is the branch prize, which has an equal chance of being a bag of holding or an amulet of reflection. There are 20 boulders and 18 holes, leaving two spare boulders.

In UnNetHack, this level may be flipped horizontally or vertically like all Sokoban levels. The prize is also changed to a choice from one of the following: a bag of holding, a cloak (of magic resistance or displacement) and an amulet (of reflection, life saving or ESP).

In Hack'EM, this level is named "Reflectoban". Like EvilHack, the choice is between a prize tool (a bag of holding or a magic marker), a prize armor (a helm of speed or a pair of gauntlets of protection), or a prize amulet (an amulet of reflection or magic resistance). As soon as one of the doors is opened, the others will seal: as in EvilHack, a form of detecting the prizes is recommended if you are aiming for a specific reward.

The final level offers a guaranteed bag of holding, a cloak of magic resistance or displacement and an amulet of reflection, life saving or flying. When one of these objects is picked up, the other two are destroyed.

From UnNetHack 4.1.1 onwards, cheating in Sokoban does not incur a Luck penalty. Instead, solving Sokoban without cheating is tracked as a new conduct. To compensate, only one scroll of earth on the first level is guaranteed.

Sokoban Level 2a is one of two possible maps for the second level of Sokoban in NetHack. It is also among the various possible maps for that level in variants of NetHack; in Hack'EM, the map is named "Old Reliable".

The following solution solves the level with only placing three boulders in an immovable position. See this revision for a solution that solves the level without placing any boulders in an immovable position. Faster solutions exist. Finding and writing them up is left as an exercise to the reader. You can watch ttyrec of one solution here, or a faster ttyrec here which involves jumping down a hole, or a YouTube video.

The key to this level is being able to walk around the shape in the bottom right. F, K and M prevent this in the starting layout, and P prevents you from getting near to that shape.

The level is now finished, but you will still need to move the A or C blocks to walk between your finishing position (as well as the stairs up) and the stairs down. How to fix this depends on which direction you approach the blockage from as follows:

Sokoban Level 4e is one of the new possible maps for the final level of Sokoban in GruntHack, UnNetHack, EvilHack, SlashTHEM, and Hack'EM. In Hack'EM, the level map is named "Dudley's Torment" It has 22 boulders and 18 holes, leaving 4 spare boulders.

You need some tools to develop Sokoban puzzles.

Some people use a pencil and a piece of paper.

Some people just use an autogenerator.

I use the tools in YASC. You get a level designer, a solver and an optimizer. Alle of which I use a lot. Making development much easier.

I'm making a Sokoban style game (i.e. it's not exactly the same as Sokoban so I can't use existing levels) and would like to create random levels on it so a player could keep playing it and always have levels to try. Are there any ways I can get the computer to generate levels for me automatically or semi-automatically (by semi, I mean I could give it the initial map perhaps but without the crate positions)?

One idea I had was to randomly generate a map, place the crates in their finishing state (i.e. on the crosses) and then randomly move the crates as if they were being pulled by the game character. This guarantees me that the level should be solvable. However, the main problem would be how to know if the level is easy/hard and interesting/boring? For example, Sokoban is NP-hard so I couldn't realistically ask the machine to then check if there was an easy solution.

Usually, there are a notation for describing sokoban levels. Walls are represented as (#) symbol, free spaces are white spaces (), player is (@) and ($) represents boxes. Target fields are represented as (.). Here is an example level 2351a5e196

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