Main research leaders

Prof. Edivaldo L. Thomaz

Group leader

CV link - Google Scholar link - Researchgate link - Orcid iD link

Prof. Valdemir Antoneli

Group vice-leader

CV link - Google Scholar link

Assistant Lecturer

João A Bednarz

Our team

Our team is formed by professors, undergraduate students, master's and doctorate students. In addition, we have several research partners in Brazil and abroad


Juliane Bereze

Doctorate student

Paulo A Fachin

Doctorate student

Yasmmin T Costa

Rafael A Castro

Marcelo Batista

Amanda Machado

Doctorate student

Edison V Junior

Caetano Ribas

Eliziane Pinheiro

Interested in Studying in this Field?

Undergraduate Courses in Geography link

Postgraduate Courses - Master and Doctorate link

If you are studying Geography or a related field do not hesitate to contact us