Teaching and Synergistic Activities

Sessional Lecturer

Bachelor level courses

Winter 2021 - Physical Hydrology, School of Earth, Environment & Society, McMaster University, Canada.; Students: 104 (2 TAs)

Teaching Assistant

Bachelor level courses

2012 Fall - Environmental studies: Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India; Students: 250 ( 5 TAs)

2014 Winter - Computational tools for civil engineers; University of Western Ontario, Canada; Students: 65 (2 TAs)

2015 Winter - Computational tools for civil engineers; University of Western Ontario, Canada; Students: 70 (3 TAs)

2015 Fall - Applied mathematics for engineers; University of Western Ontario, Canada; Students: 100

2016 Winter - Applied mathematics for engineers; University of Western Ontario, Canada; Students: 100

2016 Winter - Computational tools for civil engineers; University of Western Ontario, Canada; Students: 85 (5 TAs)

2016 Fall - Applied mathematics for engineers; University of Western Ontario, Canada; Students: 100

2016 Fall- Systems approach for civil and environmental engineering; University of Western Ontario, Canada; Students: 25 (2 TAs)

Master’s level courses

2012 Winter - Mathematics foundation; Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India; Students: 10

2014 Summer- Engineering planning and project management;University of Western Ontario, Canada; Students: 154 (3 TAs)

2015 Summer- Engineering planning and project management;University of Western Ontario, Canada; Students: 225 (3 TAs)

2016 Summer- Engineering planning and project management;University of Western Ontario, Canada; Students: 270 (5 TAs)

Doctoral level courses

2016 Fall- Water resources systems management; University of Western Ontario, Canada; Students: 2

Invited Lectures

  1. Invited Panelist, "How diverse academic and career backgrounds can drive you towards a successful career" CGU 2021 Student Conference, University of Waterloo.

  2. Guest lecture, "The Changing freshwater regime of Northern Canada and The Hudson Bay complex", Graduate class, Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS), The University of Manitoba, November 15, 2017

  3. Guest lecture, "Application of numerical method with MATLAB," Undergraduate class, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Western University, March 2, 2016

  4. Invited lecture, "Strom Drainage and Stormwater Management Servicing for Underdeveloped Lands: A Review of EA process," Graduate class, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Western University, March 21, 2016

  5. Invited speaker, "Climate change impacts on hydropower system operation in Campbell River System," Annual project meeting BC Hydro, London, Ontario, October 7, 2016

  6. Guest lecture, "Optimal crop planning using linear programming," Undergraduate class, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Western University, November 14, 2016

  7. Invited speaker, "Climate change impacts on Canadian water resources," Civil seminar series, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Western University, November 15, 2016

Peer Recognition

Editorial Work

  1. Co-editor of Frontiers In Water, Frontiers publishing, Switzerland

Journal reviewer

  1. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, Elsevier

  2. Frontiers In Water, Frontiers publishing

  3. Climate Dynamics Journal published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg

  4. Journal of Earth System Science (Springer) published by the Indian Academy of Sciences

  5. American Journal of Climate Change published by Scientific Research Publishing

  6. Remote Sensing published by MDPI (Molecular Diversity Preservation International)

  7. ASM Science Journal, Academy of Sciences Malaysia.

Conference Reviewer

  1. Reviewer and Technical committee of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) annual conference London, June 1-4, 2016.

Volunteer Activity

  1. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE) 2016 Conference Volunteer

  2. President of GES (Graduate Engineering Society) in Faculty of Engineering, Western University, Canada(07/2013 - 06/2014)

  3. Councillor of SOGS (Society of Graduate Student) in Western University, Canada (07/2013 - 06/2014)

  4. Worked as a Treasurer in Alumni Meet in Center for Environmental Science and Engineering. 06/2011