Identifying myself in the universe


Thank you for taking the time to browse my site. Currently, I am data science product manager at the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. Before joining Four Seasons, I was the Lead machine learning engineer with Capgemini Inc Canada. I studied water resource engineering, broadly trained in climate change impact assessment, hydrologic modeling, water quality modeling and resource management. I joined Ryerson Land and Water Resources Group (Led by Dr. Christopher Wellen) in September 2018. Prior to that I was a postdoctoral fellow at University of Manitoba, Winnipeg for a year. I hope that you can use this site to keep track of my latest research and past projects.

Sohom Mandal (ড: সোহম মণ্ডল)


July 4, 2022

I joined Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts as Data Science Manager.

September 30, 2021

I accepted an offer as a senior ML Engineer from Airudi.

Also I got my PEng.

September 27, 2021

I left Canadian National Railway

March 22, 2021

I joined Canadian National Railway as a Data Scientist.

March 9, 2021

A review paper entitled "A REVIEW OF THE CURRENT STATE OF PROCESS-BASED AND DATA-DRIVEN MODELLING: GUIDELINES FOR LAKE ERIE MANAGERS AND WATERSHED MODELLERS" has been accepted in the Environmental Review Journal. 15 Research scientists across Ontario have worked for 2.5 years for this publication.

July 24, 2020

I was offered an appointment as a sessional faculty from School of Earth, Environment & Society, McMaster University. I will be teaching Physical Hydrology at Mac in 2021 Winter.

July 3, 2020

I successfully completed PEO’s Professional Practice Examination (NPPE). Hope to get PEng designation soon.