Soham Chanda

I am a final year PhD candidate at Rutgers. My advisor is Chris Woodward. My CV can be found here

I will be joining the University of Southern California as a postdoc in Fall 2024.

    Research interest

My research interest lies in symplectic and contact topology. I am currently working towards constructing surgery type operations on Lagrangians and studying the effect of such operations on Floer theoretic invariants. 

In particular, I use tools inspired from SFT to construct such surgery operations where I study Lagrangian fillings of Legendrians.  This approach lets me leverage contact-geometric data of Legendrian to obtain results about Lagrangian manifolds and vice versa.

Dalle-2 generated oil painting of a torus

Dalle-2 generated oil painting of a torus

    Research articles

(arXiv: 2310.17821 , 2401.13024 ,2401.13024)

We split the initial paper into three parts.

Here is a short talk I gave at the Symplectic Zoominar on this project.

Here is a longer version of the talk.

(arXiv: 2307.06934)

(arXiv: 2301.08311)

Here is a talk I gave at the WHVSS on this paper.