Computer Science Research Interests

Research Interests in Computer Science

  • Irreversible computing for low-energy computing (as a programming paradigm, for low-energy hardware, for low-energy cloud platforms)

    • New software and hardware paradigms for irreversible computing

  • Distributed and Cloud systems:

    • Scalability, scale-free patterns in distributed systems. Programming languages in distributed and cloud systems,Programming languages

    • Memory management for low-latency and cloud computing applications

    • Resource-oriented-Architecture and Resource-oriented-Computing (ROA / ROC)

    • Cloud performance tuning based on run-time collection of control flow statistics and automatic selection of optimal trade-offs (memory management (virtual memory, garbage collection parameters and multiple layers of GC based on real-time and other performance requirements), synchronisation, automatic and predictive allocation of process containers)

    • Tier-less languages (that generate code for both client and server in the same source code)

    • Software Architecture inspired by brain architecture and its design patterns (especially regarding neural information flow and control)

  • Quantum Computing and Quantum Information theory

  • Bio-inspired computing (especially based on neuroscience and brain science):

    • Bio-inspired distributed systems

    • Bio-inspired computational models

    • Bio-inspired Machine learning (see Machine Learning)

  • New hardware based on new building blocks (e.g. memristors) and related software

  • Neuromorphic hardware and efficient implementation of very large neural networks

  • Programming languages design for above items

Please contact me if you are interested

At gmail: id = sohale


I am currently the CTO of WeDesign.Live , a live collaborative design and modelling software, platform and file format (known as MP5) for 3D printing.

Sohail Siadatnejad, PhD