
Sohail Siadatnejad

Here I explain the specific topics that I worked on or studied during my previous education. These topics are also my areas of interest.

PhD in Computational Neuroscience (Neuroscience)

    • Neural coding (encoding) using extracellular recordings(spikes and LFP)

    • Novel Spike train analysis and Local field potentials (Phase-of-firing)

    • Modelling Local Field Potentials

    • Estimation of mutual information for continuous signals (with focus on signals with large ranges of temporal correlations)

    • Bias correction methods I(S;R)

PhD Thesis: "Quantifying sensory information in continuous brain signals" (January 2014)

MSc in Scientific Calculations (Computer Science)

    • Non-linear Optimization (Lagrange multipliers, KKT conditions, DFP, trust region, etc)

    • Numerical Linear Algebra

    • Non-smooth optimization

    • Computability, and Computational complexity

Master Thesis: "Global optimisation methods for the Protein Folding problem"

BSc in Software Engineering (Computer Engineering)

    • Algorithms design

    • C++ and Java programming

    • Numerical methods

    • Computer architecture and hardware design

    • Many other topics (including Computer Graphics, Computer Simulation)

BSc Thesis: "A real-time audio processing toolbox in C++".

Other research: Also during my research at IPM, I studied and presented the following topics among others:

    • Simplified neuron models (e.g. Jolivet & Gerstner 2007, or Eggert & van Hemmen 2001)

    • Conductance based neural modelling (phase plane analysis of bursting models)

    • Design of Psychophysics tasks (I designed a task for discrimination of grammar through tactile modality)

    • Perceptual Decision Making (esp. research by Michael Shadlen )

    • The reward system (and value based decision making)

    • Pattern recognition and Machine learning (advanced ML, including Dempster-Schafer theory)

During my master I also contributed to a paper in which we designed the first "asymmetric quantum cloning machine" (Quantum Information Theory). The result was published in Physics Letters A: