

Wednesday Night Live

Group: Preschool through 6th grade meet weekly from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Additionally this group meets for 1 week during the summer for an exciting week of bible camp in Woonsocket. The camp is led by the Lutheran Outdoors Team!

Mission: Share the word through interactive stories, crafts & activities led by congregational volunteers.

Jr High Youth Group

Group: 6th Grade through 8th Grade gathers for one hour on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month during the school year.

Mission: Volunteer Amy Miiller leads this group through various group activities to continue developing their Christian lives.


Group: 7th & 8th Grade explore their recommitment to their Faith through workshops, church services & service missions.

Mission: Pastor Rhonda leads this group.

High School Youth Group

Group: 9th through 12th Grade meet weekly on Wednesday evening.

Mission: Volunteer Lisa Snedeker meets with the High School Youth weekly to discuss current events and challenges they are facing as young adults. This supportive group works together to do both service and fun events!