


An amazing group of women who meet the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month to create multiple quilts annually. This group has an afternoon bible study on the 3rd Thursday immediately following quilting.

Young Women of Faith in Woonsocket

This is a group of Young Women within Woonsocket that have come together to support one another through a community bible study. They meet monthly at various sites within the area.


The choir is led by Audrey Kempf. The group shares their musical talents with the congregation & community. They meet weekly to practice from late Spring through Thanksgiving.

Women of the Church

The women of the church meet to share their faith with one another through devotion & fellowship. Hope circle meets the 2nd Thursday each month at 5:30 pm at the Praire View Care Center.

Congregational Bible Study

Multiple times a year, a bible study s selected to discuss as a group. A lenten session is going on right now. The bible study being completed "Unbinding your heart" and is led by Pastor Rhonda.

Backpack Program

A community outreach program where donations are coordinated where backpacks of food are filled for kids in need and sent home with them for the weekends.

Bell Choir

Rachael Anderson leads both a youth bell choir and an adult bell choir. Both groups share beautiful music with the congregation.