Prof. Dr. Sofia Rüdiger
I am a linguist specialized in English linguistics. My research interests are situated across different fields and areas:
World Englishes and Variational Linguistics with a particular focus on Asian Englishes, English in South Korea, English in Taiwan
Pragmatics, Complaints and Complaint Responses, Historical Pragmatics, Persuasive Language
Sociolinguistics, Multilingualism, Language Contact, Code-Switching, Lexical Borrowing
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)
Syntax and Morphology, Non-Canonical Syntax
Corpus Linguistics, Spoken Language Corpora, Corpus Construction
Discourse Analysis
Anthropological Linguistics, Language and Food, Linguistic & Digital Ethnography
Follow this link for a list and description of projects in progress: current projects.
New Appointment: As of October 1, 2024, I'm guest professor (for two years) at FU Berlin. My new institutional website can be found here: FU Berlin - Prof. Dr. Sofia Rüdiger.
Instagram Channel, Language and Food: Together with my PhD student Ryan Fountain, I launched an Instagram channel for our project on the discursive construction of eating as entertainment. We are posting regular project updates as well as insights from language and food research, food etymologies, and much more.
BaFoLa Digital Lecture Series, Season 7: The Season 7 program of the Bayreuth Food and Language Talks (#BaFoLa) is now available. We're very much looking forward to four delicious talks by Anna Islentyeva, Ariana Gunderson, Marlén Izquierdo, and Loukia Lindholm.
In the News: Daria Dayter and I were featured as experts in an article on dating coaches published by the Tagesschau: Fragwürdige Methoden von "Dating Coaches".
Paperback Publication, Routledge: The Language of Pick-up Artists: Online Discourses of the Seduction Industry (co-authored with Daria Dayter) is now available as paperback version from the Routledge website.
Forthcoming Publication, Cambridge University Press: Our edited volume on Manipulation, Influence and Deception: The Changing Landscape of Persuasive Language (co-edited with Daria Dayter) has been announced as forthcoming on the CUP website. Contributors: Sandrine Sorlin, Bogdana Humă, Christian R. Hoffmann, Lu Xiao, Theodoros Lappas, Charis Owuraku Asante-Agyei, Sofie Decock, Koen Plevoets, Robert Fuchs, David Wright, Frazer Heritage, Robert Lawson, William Dance, Oliver Niebuhr, Plinio Almeida Barbosa, Rosalyn M. Langedijk, Kerstin Fischer, Rodney H. Jones.
Forthcoming Publication, Routledge: Entangled Englishes, co-edited with Jerry Won Lee, is officially forthcoming with Routledge. Contributors include: Christina Higgins, Kristen Urada, Shaila Sultana, Bal Krishna Sharma, Jaspal Naveel Singh, Yumi Matsumoto, Ivan Jin, Daniel N. Silva, Stephanie Rudwick, Patriann Smith, Kellie Gonçalves, Didem Leblebici, Britta Schneider, Ron Darvin, Keith Tong, Fay Chen, Angel Lin, Ana Tankosić, Sender Dovchin, and Rhonda Oliver. With a foreword by Alastair Pennycook. See here for further information.
Panel Organization, ADDA 5: Dawn Archer, Daria Dayter, Frazer Heritage, and I are organizing a panel on "Influencer Discourse: Navigating the Spectrum from Positive to Negative Impact" at ADDA 5 (Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis 5) in Tilburg (21-23 May 2025). Abstracts are due by January 10.
Pre-Conference Workshop Organization, ICAME 46: Together with Christine Elsweiler and Rachele De Felice, I'm organizing a pre-conference workshop on "Speech Acts in Formal and Informal Interactions in English: Mapping the Past, Exploring the Future" at ICAME 46 (The International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English) in Vilnius (17-21 June 2025). Abstracts are due by January 24. See the call for papers at
Pre-Conference Workshop Organization, ISLE 8: Jakob Leimgruber and I are organizing a pre-conference workshop on "Expanding Horizons – Expanding Circles – Expanding Englishes" at the ISLE 8 conference (International Society for the Linguistics of English) in Santiago de Compostela (1-4 September 2025).
Forthcoming Publication, Cambridge University Press: Transnational Korean Englishes (co-authored with Alex Baratta) is forthcoming as part of the World Englishes Element Series by CUP. More information can be found at the CUP website.
Forthcoming Publication, Bloomsbury: World Englishes and Social Media: Platforms, Variation, and Meta-Discourse (co-edited with Sven Leuckert and Jakob R.E. Leimgruber) is forthcoming as part of the series Bloomsbury Advances in World Englishes. More information can be found at the Bloomsbury website.
Upcoming Talks:
Online Research Ethics (March, ISLE Expert Forum, online, with Daria Dayter)
Click to Feast: A Linguistic Exploration of Carnivalesque Food Performances in the Digital Age (April, Basel, guest lecture)
Language and Identity in Online Interactions (June, ISLE Expert Forum, online, with Daria Dayter)