SoFerence 2021

Looking Ahead: Future of Libraries

18 December 2021

Organized by

Information Resource Centre

Tata Consultancy Services, India


SoFerence: A Social Conference

SoFerence is a leading biannual National Social Conference on Library & Information Science (LIS) organized by India’s largest Corporate Information Resource Centre from Tata Consultancy Services.

This year, the 6th and virtual edition is scheduled on Saturday, 18 December 2021. The theme of SoFerence is, “Looking Ahead: Future of Libraries”.

SoFerence will have three Technical Sessions and one Panel Discussion involving leading LIS professionals, technology solution providers and publishers.

We invite presentations from LIS professionals on the following themes:

  • Collection Development and Access Patterns: Impact on Library Services

  • The Transforming Library Environment: Priorities and Perspectives

  • LIS Professionals in the New Era: Extended Roles and Diffused Boundaries

Microsoft Teams meeting

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