SoFerence - 2021

We invite presentations from LIS professionals on the following themes:

Collection Development and Access Patterns: Impact on Library Services

Has the changing dynamics of publishing impacted the content acquisition strategies of libraries and the consumption behaviour at the user-end? Is Content still the King or is it now the Publisher? Know the impact of these inter-dependencies on library services from the stories in these section.

      1. Trends in Collection Development

      2. Subscription/Business Models

      3. Platforms & DRMs

      4. Innovative Library Services

LIS Professionals in the New Era: Extended Roles and Diffused Boundaries

Hands-down knowledge is important but no longer sufficient. Rapid and disruptive changes are opening new cross-functional avenues and opportunities, transforming the construct called 'Librarians'. Is it time to describe ourselves anew? Listen to stories that paint a new horizon for the LIS professionals.

  1. Rebranding of Librarians

  2. Collaboration: Resources and Services

  3. Online / Collaborative / Group Learning

  4. Social Media Analysis / Sentiment Analysis

  5. Big Data & Analytics

The Transforming Library Environment: Priorities and Perspectives

Library environment has always seen incremental changes in the past. But today, libraries stand to witness a huge shift induced by the culmination of two forces - nature and technology. Stories here will tell us about new roads taken by some trailblazers.

  1. Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Robotics / Cloud Application in Libraries

  2. Information Tools / Technology: State of the Art

  3. Design Thinking in Libraries

  4. User Experience: Self-help Kiosk, etc.

  5. Remote Services / Touchless Access Nodes

  6. Application of Gamification Techniques

Guidelines for Presentations

  • Presentation should be aligned to the Themes / Subthemes mentioned above.

  • Preferably covering learnings from experimentation (Success or Failure stories).

  • The number of slides should be limited to 15 and time allotted for presentation will be maximum 7 minutes.

  • Last date for submission of Presentation is 30th November 2021.

Selected submissions will be invited for presentation at SoFerence 2021


  • Each technical session will have 1 Best Presentation Award.

  • There is no registration fee, however registration is mandatory and only registered participants will be accommodated in SoFerence.

  • Click Here to Register before 30 November 2021.

  • All participants will be rewarded with an E-Certificate.