SoE International Award

What is the International Award?

The International Award is a scheme designed to recognise your contributions to support the SoE's growing international community and to improve the cultural awareness of all engineering students regardless of background. Engineering is an international industry and this award gives you the opportunity, throughout your university career, to build highly valuable skills to demonstrate the ability to work with global partners and embrace diversity. The award will recognise contributions you make within the international community and is open to all students.

It is your opportunity to build on our One Community values to develop a diverse and inclusive community within the University.

Be part of it

The Award has been developed to create a sense of community. It was specially designed to get you involved in many international events, to expand your knowledge of other cultures, and support inclusivity within our diverse community. We are here to not only develop as amazing engineers, but to grow as individuals. It will enable you to get involved in many fun extra-curricular activities and boost your CV by expanding your employability skills.

The International Award is certificated on a points based scheme, where you will be able to achieve Bronze, Silver or Gold.

Sign up

If you are interested, email so you can get started on this exciting new opportunity. You will be able to log all your activities through Microsoft OneNote and upload evidence of your attendance.

Earn points

Earn points by taking part in any International activity across the university and get a certificate in recognition of your experience. Some points examples are shown bellow. The activities include many international events that you can participate in or organise, and the list will be updated continuously. If you think one of your international activities should be on the list let the SoE know and, if it fits with the International Award, we will add it on.

*If you are in your final year of studying with us, your points are worth twice the amount- this is to give you the best chance of getting a Gold International Certificate.

Points mean either Bronze, Silver or Gold International Award Certificate.

Bronze= 100 points

Silver= 200 points

Gold= 300 points

Points based system