Call For Posters

SoCS 2018: Call for late-breaking Posters/Demos

Continuing the tradition from last year, SoCS 2018 will also feature a track for late-breaking posters and demos.

To submit to this track either send

(a) a short abstract (max 400 words) or

(b) the poster itself (max 4 MB)

plus a short statement why your work is relevant to SoCS and what the benefit of the dissemination of your work at SoCS would be (this applies to (a) and (b)). Demos are not required to have a poster but can optionally have one.

Note that accepted posters and demos will not be included in the proceedings but will be given the opportunity to be presented to the SoCS audience. At least one author of each accepted paper/demo needs to register for SoCS.

Submissions have to be sent to by June 20, 2018. Notifications will be send on June 25, 2018