Se listan artículos científicos (i.e., evaluados por pares) o papers, publicados por miembros de SOCIFOR desde el 2020 a la fecha. En negrita se destaca al socio (o socios) que participa en cada paper. Aquel socio que le interese listar sus papers acá, por favor hacernos llegar el requerimiento a nuestro email con la cita en el formato empleado acá y el link al paper.
Almonacid-Muñoz L, Herrera H, Fuentes-Ramirez A, Vargas-Gaete R, Larama G, Jara R, Fernández-Urrutia C., Borges da Silva Valadares R. 2022. Tree cover species modify the diversity of rhizosphere-associated microorganisms in Nothofagus obliqua (Mirb.) Oerst temperate forests in south-central Chile. Forests 13: 756
Donoso PJ, Soto DP, Salas-Eljatib C, Riquelme T. 2022. Present and prospects for multi-aged silviculture in Chilean temperate forests: targeting secondary forests in transition and partially harvested old-growth forests. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.
Donoso PJ, Promis A, Loguercio GA, Beltrán HA, Casseli M, Chauchard LM, Cruz G, González-Peñalba M, Martínez-Pastur G, Navarro G, Núñez P, Salas-Eljatib C, Soto DP, Vásquez-Grandón A. 2022. Silviculture of South American temperate native forests. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science. 52:2.
Fuentes-Ramirez A, Almonacid-Muñoz L, Muñoz-Gómez N & Moloney KA. 2022. Spatio-temporal variation in soil nutrients and plant recovery across a fire-severity gradient in old-growth Araucaria-Nothofagus forests of south-central Chile. Forests 13: 488
García-Díaz P, ..., Langdon B, Pauchard A, Raffo E, Bastías J, Damasceno G. 2022. Identifying Priorities, Targets, and Actions for the Long-term Social and Ecological Management of Invasive Non-Native Species. Environmental management, 69(1), pp.140-153
Haider S, Lembrechts JJ, McDougall K, Pauchard A, et al. 2022. Think globally, measure locally: The MIREN standardized protocol for monitoring plant species distributions along elevation gradients. Ecology and evolution, 12(2), e8590
Lembrechts JJ, Van den Hoogen J, ...., García R, Pauchard A, et al. 2022. Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology.
Soto DP, Salas-Eljatib C, Donoso PJ, Hernández-Moreno A, Seidel D, D’Amato AW. 2022. Impacts of varying precipitation regimes upon the structure, spatial patterns, and productivity of Nothofagus pumilio-dominated old-growth forests in Patagonia. Forest Ecology and Management 524: 120519.
Souza-Alonso P, Saiz G, García R, Pauchard A, Ferreira A, Merino, A. 2022. Post-fire ecological restoration in Latin American forest ecosystems: Insights and lessons from the last two decades. Forest Ecology and Management, 509, 120083
Cáceres-Polgrossi L, Promis A, Gutiérrez AG. 2021. Leaf litter hides post-dispersed seeds from invasive alien removers in a sclerophyll forest in central Chile. Forest Systems 29, 022.
Ehbrecht M, Seidel D, Annighöfer P,..., Soto D, et al. 2021. Global patterns and climatic controls of forest structural complexity. Nature Communications 12: 519.
Esse C, Correa-Araneda F, ...., Moreno R, ..., Soto DP. 2021. Structure, diversity and environmental determinants of high-latitude threatened conifer forests. Forests 12(6) 775
Fuentes-Lillo E, Lembrechts JJ, Cavieres LA, Jimenez A, Haider S, Barros A, Pauchard, A. 2021. Anthropogenic factors overrule local abiotic variables in determining non-native plant invasions in mountains. Biological Invasions.
Moloney KA, Fuentes-Ramirez A, Holzapfel C. 2021. Climate impacts on fire risk in desert shrublands: A modeling study. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 601877
Hernández-Moreno A, Echeverría C, Sotomayor B, Soto DP. 2021. Relationship between anthropization and spatial patterns in two contrasting landscapes of Chile. Applied Geography 137: 102599.
Hirsch H, Richardson DM, Pauchard A, Le Roux JJ. 2021. Genetic analyses reveal complex introduction histories for the invasive tree Acacia dealbata around the word. Diversity and Distributions 27(2): 360–376
Matskovsky V, Venegas-González A, Garreaud R, Roig FA, Gutiérrez AG, et al. 2021. Tree growth decline as a response to projected climate change in the 21st century in Mediterranean mountain forests of Chile. Global and Planetary Change 198, 103406.
Nuñez MA, Davis KT, Dimarco RD, Peltzer DA, Paritsis J, Maxwell BD, Pauchard A. 2021. Should tree invasions be used in treeless ecosystems to mitigate climate change?. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Sabatini FM, Lenoir J, Hattab T,… Pauchard A,… Wohlgemuth T, Yamalov S, Zobel M, Bruelheide H. 2021. sPlotOpen – An environmentally balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots. Global Ecology and Biogeography
Salas-Eljatib C, Mehtatalo L, Gregoire TG, Soto DP, Vargas-Gaete R. 2021. Growth equations in forest research: mathematical basis and model similarities. Current Forestry Reports 7(4): 230-244.
Seidel D, Annighöfer P , Ammer C, Ehbrecht M, Willim K, Bannister JR, Soto DP. 2021. Quantifying understory complexity in unmanaged forests using TLS and identifying some of its major drivers. Remote Sensing 13(8): 1513
Soto DP, Donoso PJ, Zamorano-Elgueta C, Ríos AI, Promis A. 2021. Precipitation declines influence the understory patterns in Nothofagus pumilio old-growth forests in northwestern Patagonia. Forest Ecology and Management 491: 119169
Bannister JR, Travieso G, Galindo N, Acevedo M, Puettmann K, Salas-Eljatib C. 2020. Shrub influences on seedlings performance when restoring the slow-growing conifer Pilgerodendron uviferum in southern bog forests. Restoration Ecology 28(2): 396–407.
Chávez D, Machuca A, Fuentes-Ramirez A, Fernández N, Cornejo P. 2020. Shifts in soil traits and arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis represent the conservation status of Araucaria araucana forests and the effects after fire events. Forest Ecology and Management 458: 117806.
Donoso PJ, Puettmann K, D’Amato A, Ponce D, Salas-Eljatib C, Ojeda P. 2020. Short-term effects of variable-density thinning on regeneration in hardwood-dominated temperate rainforests. Forest Ecology and Management 464: 118058.
Fuentes N, Marticorena A, Saldaña A, Jerez V, Ortiz JC, Victoriano P, Moreno RA, Larraín J, Villaseñor-Parada C, Palfner G, Sánchez P, Pauchard A. 2020. Multi-taxa inventory of naturalized species in Chile. Neobiota. 60: 25-41
Fuentes-Ramirez A, Salas-Eljatib C, González ME, Urrutia-Estrada J, Arroyo-Vargas P, Santibañez P. 2020. Initial response of understory vegetation and tree regeneration to a mixed-severity fire in old-growth Araucaria-Nothofagus forests. Applied Vegetation Science 23(2): 210–222
Kattge J, Bönisch G, Díaz S, …, Gutiérrez AG, …, Wirth, C., 2020. TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology. 26, 119–188.
Nuñez MA, Pauchard A, Ricciardi A. 2020. Invasion Science and the Global Spread of SARS-CoV-2. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Rew LJ, McDougall KL, Alexander JM, Daehler CC, Essl F, Haider S, Kueffer C, Lenoir J, Milbau A, Nuñez MA, Pauchard A, Rabitsch W. 2020. Moving up and over: redistribution of plants in alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic ecosystems under global change. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 52(1): 651–665
Soto DP, Puettmann KJ. 2020. Merging multiple equilibrium model and adaptive cycle theory in forest ecosystems: Implications for managing succession. Current Forestry Reports 6: 282–293
Soto DP, Donoso PJ, Vásquez-Gradón A, Gonzalez-Chang M, Salas-Eljatib C. 2020. Differential early performance of two underplanted hardwood tree species following restoration treatments in high-graded temperate rainforests. Forests 11(4):401.
Van der Sande MT, Bruelheide H, …, Gutiérrez AG, …, Knight TM. 2020. Similar factors underlie tree abundance in forests in native and alien range. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29(2): 281-294.
Vargas-Gaete R, Salas-Eljatib C, Penneckamp D, Neira Z, Diez MC, Vargas-Picón R. 2020. Estructura y regeneración de bosques de Prumnopitys andina en los Andes del sur de Chile. Gayana Botanica 77(1): 48–58.
Zúñiga A, Rau J, Jaksic F, Vergara P, Encina F, Fuentes-Ramirez A. 2020. Rodent assemblage composition as indicator of fire severity in a protected area of southern Chile. Austral Ecology 46: 249-260
Zúñiga A, Rau J, Fuenzalida V, Fuentes-Ramirez A. 2020. Temporal changes in the diet of two sympatric carnivorous mammals in a protected area of south-central Chile affected by a mixed-severity forest fire. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 43.2: 177-186.