SocialNLP 2023

The 11th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media

In conjunction with IJCNLP-AACL 2023 @ November 1, 2023
In conjunction with ACM TheWebConf 2023 @ April 30, 2023


CFP Description

With the rapid growing of social networks and Web 2.0 services (e.g. Facebook and Twitter), being able to process data come from such platforms has gained much attention in recent years. SocialNLP is a new inter-disciplinary area of natural language processing (NLP) and social computing. We consider three plausible directions of SocialNLP: (1) addressing issues in social computing using NLP techniques; (2) solving NLP problems using information from social networks or social media; and (3) handling new problems related to both social computing and natural language processing.

Several challenges are foreseeable in SocialNLP. First, the message lengths on social media services are usually short (e.g. 140 characters per tweet in Twitter) and thus it is difficult to apply traditional NLP approaches directly. Second, social media contains heterogeneous social information (e.g. tags, friends, followers, endorsements, profiles, and retweets) that should be considered together with the contents for better quality of analysis. Finally, microblogs and the social media contents always involve the interactions among multiple persons with slangs and jargons, and usually require special techniques to distill reasonable information and discover useful knowledge. 

To encourage research in the area of SocialNLP, we have organized a SocialNLP SIG-group in AFNLP  since 2012 and made it first a yearly now twice a year based workshop series. The latest SocialNLP workshop website is available at 10th SocialNLP 2022 . Through this workshop, we provide a platform for research outcome presentations and head-to-head discussions in the research area of SocialNLP, with the hope to combine the insight and experience of prominent researchers from both NLP and social computing fields to jointly contribute to this area. 

We aim at organizing the 11th SocialNLP workshop in ACM The Web Conference (WWW) 2023 and IJCNLP-AACL 2023 due to the following rationales. First, social media analysis and sentiment analysis are two research topics that are closely related to natural language processing based on various web contents. Moreover, their development highly depends on NLP techniques due to textual data. In recent WWW and *CL conference series, no matter to tell from the number of submissions or participants, it is apparent that NLP and social media analysis are certainly two of the biggest research communities. Therefore, we believe that the SocialNLP workshop can draw much interest and attract many audiences from potential academic or industrial participants of WWW and *CL. Second, social media data is essentially generated and collected from online social services, which have accumulated a large number of user-generated social data. Processing such large-scale social data with linguistic knowledge and NLP techniques has encountered many important research problems. Hence NLP researchers might find some inspirations and useful information from the SocialNLP workshop. Third, user-generated data in social media is mainly in the form of text. Theories and techniques on Web information retrieval and natural language processing are desired for semantic understanding, accurate search, and efficient processing of social media content. From the perspective of application, novel online applications involving social media analysis and sentiment analysis, such as emergency management, social recommendation, user behavior analysis, user social community analysis and future prediction are topics that NLP researchers have paid attention to. In short, hosting SocialNLP workshop in WWW and IJCNLP will provide mutually-reinforced benefits for researchers in areas of Web techniques, natural language processing and social media analytics. We believe collecting thoughts and comments of these researchers will also bring up many great ideas and opportunities for future research collaborations.

Seeing the high impact of Covid-19 pandemic and the conferences where researchers have less opportunities to share their experience and communicate with colleagues, we are thinking about what we can do to help mitigate what it did to us and bring the researchers in the community together. As such, we include the topics related to social media and Covid.

Topic of Interest

We focus on the strength of natural language processing techniques in social media content analysis, especially in the Web environment. The topics of SocialNLP technical papers include (but not limited to):

Content analysis on Social Media

Natural language processing on the Web

Sentiment and Opinion Analysis on Social Media

Disaster Management Using Social Media

Information Disorder on Social Media


** Workshop proceedings can be accessed via this link. **

13:50 - 14:00 Opening
Chair: Lun-Wei Ku, Academia Sinica

14:00 - 14:50 Keynote Speech: Social NLP for Low-resource Languages
David Adelani, University College London, UK

14:50 - 15:30 Session: Sentiment and Emotion

14:50 - 15:10 Temporal Tides of Emotional Resonance: A Novel Approach toIdentify Mental Health on Social Media
Usman Naseem , Surendrabikram Thapa, Qi Zhang, Junaid Rashid , Liang Hu, Mehwish Nasim

15:10 - 15:30 Efficient Sentiment Analysis: A Resource-Aware Evaluation ofFeature Extraction Techniques, Ensembling, and Deep LearningModels
Mahammed Kamruzzaman and Gene Kim

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break 

16:00 - 17:20 Session: Aspects Related to Social Media

16:00 - 16:20 OffMix-3L: A Novel Code-Mixed Test Dataset in Bangla-English-Hindi for Offensive Language Identification
Dhiman Goswami, Md Nishat Raihan, Antara Mahmud, Antonios Anastasopoulos, Marcos Zampieri

16:20 - 16:40 An Emotion-Enriched and Psycholinguistics Features-BasedApproach for Rumor Detection on Online Social Media
Asimul Haque and Muhammad Abulaish

16:40 - 17:00 The Future of Meat: Sentiment Analysis of Food Tweets
マティス リクター and Maija Kāle

17:00 - 17:20 Boosting Adverse Drug Event Normalization on Social Media:General-Purpose Model Initialization and Biomedical SemanticText Similarity Benefit Zero-Shot Linking in Informal Contexts
François Remy, Simone Scaboro, Beatrice Portelli

17:20 - 17:30 Closing Remarks


** Each paper is with 10-minute presentation plus 2-minute QA. **

** Link to join the workshop virtually: **

10:00 - 10:12 LLMs to the Moon? Reddit Market Sentiment Analysis with Large Language Models
Xiang Deng, Vasilisa Bashlovkina, Feng Han, Simon Baumgartner and Michael Bendersky

10:12 - 10:24 A Cross-Modal Study of Pain Across Communities in the United States
Arnav Aggarwal, Sunny Rai, Salvataore Giorgi, Shreya Havaldar, Garrick Sherman, Juhi Mittal and Sharath Chandra Guntuku

10:30 - 11:00 Refreshment Break
@ AT&T Hotel and Conference Center Zlotnik Ballroom Foyer

11:00 - 11:12 Graph-Based Hierarchical Attention Network for Suicide Risk Detection on Social Media
Usman Naseem, Jinman Kim, Matloob Khushi and Adam Dunn

11:12 - 11:24 Cultural Differences in Signed Ego Networks on Twitter: An Investigatory Analysis
Jack Tacchi, Chiara Boldrini, Andrea Passarella and Marco Conti

11:24 - 11:36 Claim Extraction and Dynamic Stance Detection in COVID-19 Tweets
Noushin Salek Faramarzi, Fateme Hashemi Chaleshtori, Hossein Shirazi, Indrakshi Ray and Ritwik Banerjee

11:36 - 11:48 Self-supervised Pre-training and Semi-supervised Learning for Extractive Dialog Summarization
Yingying Zhuang, Jiecheng Song, Narayanan Sadagopan and Anurag Beniwal

11:48 - 12:00 Forecasting COVID-19 Vaccination Rates using Social Media Data
Xintian Li and Aron Culotta

12:00 - 12:12 I'm out of breath from laughing! I think? - A dataset of COVID-19 Humor and its toxic variants
Neha Reddy Bogireddy, Smriti Suresh and Sunny Rai

12:12 - 12:24 Stance Inference in Twitter through Graph Convolutional Collaborative Filtering Networks with Minimal Supervision
Zhiwei Zhou and Erick Elejalde

12:24 - 12:30 Closing Remarks

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
@ AT&T Hotel and Conference Center Zlotnik Ballroom Foyer

Paper Submission

SocialNLP @ AACL 2023:

SocialNLP @ TheWebConf 2023

Workshop papers that have been previously published or are under review for another journal, conference or workshop should not be considered for publication. Papers must be submitted in PDF format. The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Workshop papers must be self-contained and in English. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines, or do not view or print properly, will be rejected without review. Each submission will be evaluated by at least 3 program committee members.

SocialNLP review is double-blind. Therefore, please anonymize your submission: do not put the author(s) names or affiliation(s) at the start of the paper, and do not include funding or other acknowledgments in papers submitted for review. In addition to Regular Paper submission, we call for DATA PAPER this year. A data paper should include the details of the created dataset and an experiment illustrating how to use it. Authors should note it as a data paper using the author field and submit at least partial data as accompanied materials. The created dataset should be able to be downloaded or acquired through an application process freely. If the data paper is accepted, we will list the link for accessing the dataset in the SocialNLP website. Note that the review for data papers is also double-blind and it is authors' responsibility to avoid revealing their identities.

To pursue high quality submission, we will have a best paper award of SocialNLP 2023. The selection process will depend on not only the review comments/ratings, but also the quality of paper that is rated by paper authors. Selected, expanded versions of papers presented at the workshop will be published in two follow-on Special Issues of Springer Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE) and the International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (IJCLCLP).

Important Dates @ AACL 2023

* All submission deadlines are end-of-day in the Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone.

Important Dates @ TheWebConf 2023

* All submission deadlines are end-of-day in the Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone.

Program Committee


Past SocialNLP


If you are considering submitting to the workshop and have questions regarding the workshop scope or need further information, please do not hesitate to send e-mail to lwku [AT], chengte [AT] . Thanks!