Social MT 2017

First workshop on Social Media and User Generated Content Machine Translation

Co-located with EAMT 2017, Prague, Czech Republic

Paper Submission Instructions

Submission Format: Submissions must conform to the official style guidelines for EAMT 2017 (

Overleaf Project to Clone:

MS Word Template:

Contributions can be short or long papers. Short paper submission must describe original and unpublished work without exceeding eight (8) pages plus any number of pages for references. Characteristics of short papers include: a small, focused contribution; work in progress; a negative result; an opinion piece; an interesting application nugget. Long paper submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work without exceeding twelve (12) pages plus any number of pages for references.

Reviewing will be double blind, so the papers should not reveal the authors’ identity. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.

Double submission policy: Parallel submission to other meetings or publications is possible but must be immediately notified to the workshop organizers.

Submission Website:

For further information, please contact Haithem Afli mailto:haithem.afli(at)adaptcentre(dot)ie