Healthcare & Food

Healthcare & Food: Action Items

Food Security

  • Partner with the government and the community to plant fruit, vegetables, and herbs in public spaces for free public consumption.

  • Grocery stores should be required to provide a healthy food basket that would be sold at no profit. Consult with nutritionists, farmers and parents to identify what it should contain for each season with emphasis on locally grown food. (See an additional grocery store initiative under Economic Equity.)

  • Through community partnerships and entrepreneurial support, ensure the land zoned for agricultural use and currently unused is put into use, with the plans informed by the 2016 crop, dairy, and livestock strategy white papers.

Healthy Food Education

  • Partner with medical insurance companies to educate about sugar addiction, nutrition and healthy cooking in schools and community.

  • Sustained Initiatives and education in the community and public schools about how food grows, with funds and resources made available, as a step towards the long term goal of having school vegetable gardens and public food growing on public land. (See similar item under Education)

Mental Health

  • Reduce the stigma of receiving mental health support, especially around racial trauma and other historic oppression, with better access for everyone in the community including youth, those incarcerated and persons involved in the court system. (See complementary items under Education and Criminal Justice.)