A Sociology Perspective: Critical Thinking & Social Problems

OER Textbook

Aggregated and Authored by: Rodolfo Rodriguez MA & WHCCD Library

Published March 2024, 1st Edition

Textbook title: A Sociology Perspective: Critical Thinking & Social Problems 

Author/Curator: Rodolfo Rodriguez MA

Publisher: WHCCD Coalinga, download PDF here: https://westhillscollege.com/coalinga/oer/documents/soc002textcriticalthinkingsocialproblemsasociologyperspective1stedition.pdf

Link to Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18zklUrxn6tNhM197LAHM776YCHcluqeHAjVfhEl9FOc/edit


Sociology, as a discipline, empowers individuals to dissect their complex and intricate surroundings, filled with social institutions, societal shifts, and disparities. This textbook is meant to be a tool to investigate these societal challenges. The text dives into recent impactful events like the George Floyd protests, the complexities in Gaza, and the situation in Ukraine, all within the context of the ongoing aftereffects of the Covid pandemic. Moreover, this text encourages readers to apply their sociological imagination in examining social issues related to race, gender, social class, geopolitics, public health aspects, and various other facets of our society. This approach nurtures a comprehensive understanding of how these elements are interconnected and influence contemporary society.

The hope is for readers to realize that they play an active role in society, meaning they are shaped and influenced by the society they inhabit, including family, education, government, healthcare, economy, etc. However, they also have the power to actively influence and shape social institutions which affect how the future of our society on this Earth will unfold.


Aggregated & Authored by Rodolfo Rodriguez West Hills College Coalinga, January 2024. 

Cover art created in Canva with generative AI December 2023. 

OER Texts Used to Aggregate this textbook taken from the following texts.  All text is licensed under the creative commons attribution-non commercial-share and share a like 4.0 international license unless otherwise stated:

This text is a remixed OER licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share and Share a like 4.0 International License unless otherwise stated under each section.