About This Text

A Sociology Perspective: Critical Thinking & Social Problems

OER Textbook

Aggregated and Authored by:

Published January 2024, 1st Edition

Textbook title: A Sociology Perspective: Critical Thinking & Social Problems 



Link to PDF: 

Link to Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18zklUrxn6tNhM197LAHM776YCHcluqeHAjVfhEl9FOc/edit

This textbook licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License: 

This textbook is published in PDF form and publicly available at: https://westhillscollege.com/coalinga/oer/publishedtextbooks.php

OER Textbook Attributions:

Aggregated and Authored by Gabrielle Brixey MBA MC, at West Hills College Coalinga, January 2024. This work represents the 1st Edition and is under creative commons attribution-noncommercial-share and share a like 4.0 international license -for educational purposes only- unless expressly stated otherwise. The utilization of all materials is conducted in accordance with the principles of fair use and Open Education Resource (OER) practices. In the event of any misattribution or inaccuracies, we invite parties to communicate with the institution promptly. West Hills College Coalinga is committed to ensuring the accuracy of attributions and will expeditiously address any concerns raised to uphold the integrity of intellectual property rights.

This textbook was remixed from the following sources:  

For the Curriculum Committee at WHCCD: 

OER Textbooks Used to Aggregate this information to list on the Course Outline of Record:


Aggregated by (“AND AUTHORED” YOUR NAME HERE RODOLFO IF YOU WANT)  West Hills College Coalinga, January 2024. 

Cover art created in Canva with generative AI December 2023. 

OER Texts Used to Aggregate this textbook taken from the following texts.  All text is licensed under the creative commons attribution-non commercial-share and share a like 4.0 international license unless otherwise stated:

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For Curriculum Committee and Learning Leader Rep OER vs. COR: 

This text is a remixed OER licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share and Share a like 4.0 International License.