
New cutting-edge technology that can stop a driver from driving under the influence


Mission of the project

This project proposes to provide a real-time identification of potentially intoxicated drivers who are attempting to break the law and endanger others. With the use of AI and facial recognition combined with sensor data, Sober Guardian is able to detect if the driver is impaired during any time with high accuracy. This detection will then provide a prompt notification to the driver and other related parties - such as friends, family, and law enforcement - and prevent them from driving in order to reduce the risk of serious health emergencies such as car accidents. With Sober Guardian’s high accuracy, we are able to not only reduce the number of field tests being conducted, freeing up officers, but also reduce the amount of drunk drivers on the road. With the help and use of Sober Guardian, it is expected that the project can make an impact by resulting in less accidents and people driving under the influence, which can help save many lives.

Home Screen

The moment you are logged in, you are greeted

by a home screen with your current

location and time. Below you can see

both previous test results and some special actions.

Category Screen

You can see a bunch of categories in

this screen that you previously made.

You can select one of these categories to pick who to contact.

Location Screen

Shown here is a preview of the sender’s

location on an interactive map in

addition to the message contents. You

can see that the sender’s location is

marked on the map with the

SoberGuardian logo. There is also a

‘Open in Maps’ button which will

open your default navigation app with the sender’s location.

Testing Screen

If our tests determine that you are

drunk, you will be locked from going to

the homepage and must contact

someone before you are allowed to return.


Need Support?

Contact to get more information on the project