SOAR Interactive Dashboard

This dashboard compiles all the data collected by SOAR since the project started in 2012. The goal of this dashboard is to allow users to filter and drill down on the data to answer their questions and make inferences. Thus this dashboard was made to be interactive. One can adjust the year and season by toggling the filters on the right side of the dashboard. Furthermore one can click on any element of the dashboard and everything will update and filter to a specific selected item. For example, if you click on a specific building name the worst days line chart and the species bar chart will update to show just the birds by that building.

If you are having trouble seeing the dashboard below on your device please click the link here.

Also, you can download the data that powers this dashboard here or see the embedded google sheet at the bottom of this page.

If you have any questions or have any ideas for improvements please leave a comment in the embedded google form below the dashboard or send us an email. Thanks!

SOAR Downloadable Data