
Introduction: Quantum Information Science

Quantum Information Science explores the application of quantum mechanics to information processing and communication, unlocking new possibilities that go beyond the capabilities of classical systems. The non-classical aspects of quantum mechanics play a crucial role in the potential of quantum information processing:

Figure from KIAS HORIZON [Link]

We are currently in an exciting era where the progress in quantum information science is reshaping our understanding of physical phenomena and redefining the landscape of future computations. To summarize some of the interesting developments in the field:

Research Highlights

Our lab studies engineered quantum systems based on mesoscopic devices and their applications to quantum information and quantum computation. Specifically, we study novel quantum optical, topological, and many-body phenomena by utilizing superconducting quantum circuits—a promising candidate platform for realizing a universal quantum computer. To briefly introduce our methodology:

Our mission is to pioneer the development of innovative quantum hardware, leveraging novel advantages to address the challenges posed by noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices. In pursuit of this objective, we aspire to actively contribute to the exploration of new physics and the advancement of practical quantum technologies.

For further details of our research projects, refer to the following pages (will be updated soon):